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tommy trucker

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watched a prog tonight about taxidermy that featured a yank who obviously has a small ****.totally disgusted at his attitude towards his quarry.get this,his aim was to shoot something (anything) then get a kick from bringing it back to life.what a fantastic advert for the antis :< what a fantastic advert from banning yanks with small penises from having guns and keeping them in the good ol us of a :D

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No wonder the yanks are hated through out the world with their gung ho attitude.

That programme has just given the antis yet another load of semtex and a few dets. to have ago at us lot.

I know what why don't all of us start at the top of the world with loaded guns and just blast everything in sight while we still can.





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I saw it and thought what an amazing assortment of wierdos, especially the Swiss fella Matthias, he really had a screw loose, I think the worse bit was the 9 year old girl killing the deer and loving every minute of the gralloch, that's not normal from where I am standing. They struck me as a bunch of loners and outcasts.

Most of the American taxidermist's stuffed what they had shot themselves, as a shooting man I would not want to be associated with these people and I am very glad they are over there and not over here.

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I thought it was an absolute disgrace. That Texan tw*t who was hunting in Africa was evil and had no respect for an animal. He couldn't even postion a bullet properly on those gazelle he was shooting for bait. The poor ****** was still going when they got to pick it up. The guide was even worse in my book after trying to slit the poor animals throat with a blunt knife very poorly poorly. Left a really bad taste in my mouth. But i suppose when money is concearned any feelings towards the animal are totally overlooked. What a sad state of affairs.


I have no problem in taxidermy as a whole but to shoot some of those animals just for that purpose is totally barbaric and sick.

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I agree, ammo for the antis, and the way things are going, it was put on at a bad time :D .

The texas fella really was an idiot. He set out to shoot a leopard and shot everything in between to get it :/ . Many of the shots taken were inhumane and bad marksmanship :D .

When he eventually got to take a shot at that lovely leopard, he completely cocked it up by shooting it in the back end in the gut B) , what a nerd.

It took, by the look of it, till the next morning to find it again, and it must of died in great pain :< .

Who ever made that docu, was out to get enough evidence, to show the public, how it should not be done.

There's going to be back lash from this, you can bet and we will pay for it big time :/ .

As for the 9 year old girl, shooting high powered rifles with her daddy, well, isn't it not surprising that there are so many school shootings in the states B) .

She seem to have a macabre way of enjoying putting her finger through the heart of that deer she shot :/ .

The daddy is to blame there big time.

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what a joke ,,lets all be glad that we are english and have respect for our animals

i love hunting but do not kill something in order to bring it back to life for my own sick graterforcation and as for letting that child play with the gut,s of that dear is sad remember she knows no differnt,,,nice one dad (*****)


i like stuffed animals but not done like that,,, from the replies so far i am not alone

good damm shame we have loaed another round in the antis gun

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I watched that program and thougth they were all a bunch of sick heads.

Especially that women who wanted to stuff a horse so she made up some ******** saying that the horse got badly beaten and abuse so they had to put it down. The only reason they put that horse down because that bitch wanted to stuff it for the show.

Especially those blokes safari hunting do they know wat heart shot means.

The only one who learned was the swiss bloke the rest were weirdos.

Ant :<

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I thought the same as you guys but I wouldn't have minded taking that burd who was after the coyotes out lamping with me.....wouldn't say she was much of a shot but we could have some fun :D:/


The rest of them were sickos and what's with the guy who had a message from Jesus so stopped stuffing fish...... :/ that sums it up.

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most of the stuffed animals were great but the folks were a real freak show , that fishy guy was just scary and i certainly wouldn't fancy being alone with him hallelujah :D

ps. i agree,that woman had the horse killed and skinned and then decided that she didn't like it,that was just evil

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I thought the program was great . Intresting bunch of folks on it ! I saw nothing at all wrong with what any of the people were doing on it . Fair play To that little girls father , he's shown her how to shoot correctly , and what the concequnce's are of shooting animals .

The guy who shot the leopard , spent his money going to a country where such practise's are legal . Fair play to him .

Fella's it was a tv programe , do you think it would have been made if they were not "such exciteing" folks .

As part of a hunting/shooting minority i would have thought you would have been a little more open minded .



all the best yis yp :D

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Yorkshire pud.

The vast majority of us hunting/shooting people are not against taxidermy.

The vast majority of us are what we call sportsmen or controllers of pests.I am and have been in pest control for a very long time,i've taught a lot of people how to shoot safely and properly and the one's who have carried on shooting have turned into great shots.All of us shoot to kill not shoot to injure or shoot to leave an animal whatever it is to die in agony !.

If a person can't kill an animal quickly then they should'nt be in control or be anywhere near a gun.

I will accept that the first round does not always kill that's why a second shot is taken fast.As for the person trying to use the knife to finish off the deer/antelope why not use a round on it instead of trying unsuccesfully to cut it's throat then trying to destroy it's heart valves by sticking it ?.

Now if these people who were on the programme are classed as sportsmen and women then it shows what a fu***d up world this is and it also shows that our time shooting is seriously under threat.We all could have done without this programme.

Whether taking animals in any country is legal there is no justification for letting any animal suffer!.

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I've digested your comments , and taken them on board . From your comments i understand that you did not like what you saw , much the same as any Anti watching that programe . You've stated that what these folks were doing was wrong , same as an anti .

You consider your sport , humane , sporting , you don't let any animal suffer . An anti see's no difference between what you folks call legitimate pest control , and the taking of trophys .

This is just my opinion , as i see no difference between takeing any quadruped with a dog or a rifle , imo i think the use of dog is more humane and sporting .


all the best yis yp :D

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mr pud ,,,there are ways of showing the young how to shoot safely and respect for the animals we shoot i saw none of that last night,, is it safe for a 9 yr old girl to fire such a rifle ,, is it right for a 9 yr old to play with gut,s in such a way is that respect for your quarry,,? me i think not but that is my opinion

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yp,sorry but just because its legal to shoot leopards in a given country,which i have no problem with,doesnt excuse pi** poor marksmanship.

you dont have to be an anti to see that the bloke was a trigger happy ****.

nearly all posters on here have respect for their quarry and seek the quickest,cleanest kill possible,not a kill at any cost with no regard for the prey.would you happily gut shoot a fox just because its within the law of this country ?

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Plenty of folks out there that have rifles and are **** shots . Some of which are trigger happy . As to gut shooting a fox just because it's "legal" . No i would'nt , as thats not my thing , but if somebody else choose to , well thats their look out .

The programme to my mind did not say that the Texan who killed the leopard was the best shot in the world . He was a taxidermist . We saw that he was a **** shot , but he tried his best . I don't believe that he wanted to make any animal suffer , or for that matter anybody else on the doco.

I take it that everybody on here gets 50/50 when out shooting . Nobodys winged one , and when it's layed on the ground flapping and there are loads flying in , everybody has run straight out of their hides and necked it . After reading the posts on "whats the best way to kill a wounded bird" on here , i can feel safe in saying maybe a guideing hand is better than condemning . This does not extend to folks talkin 8ollox imo. :lol:


all the best yis yp :lol:

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Yorkshire pud.

I for one am no anti so let's get that cleared up straight away!.

We are here as promoters of good sport,there are young people all over who read the press,read web sites,hear talk etc.It is upto us to learn these people in the correct way to handle firearms.Look what happened to the hand gun ban,the automatic ban ,hunting etc.all through a couple of idiots !.

At the moment there is too many bad programmes,a few weeks back there was the programme about a slaughter house.That included a few idiots running riot.

Brilliant extra pressure on our slaughter "legitimate" houses.

Now we have a programme about taxidermy albeit foreign with people thinking it's ok to run riot with rifles and not being capable of taking a clean shot.These people had plenty of time to take a good clean shot!.

Fair enough the young girl showed she could hit targets or did she ?.I still remember the jack charlton videos !.

I have never had and never will have a problem with any sport as long as it's done right.I have worked on places and know of other areas where if you act in the way that was shown on the programme you would either be asked to leave or you would not be invited back due to safety issues.The attitude of the yanks was and always will be out of order.Ask anyone who has served in the forces and had the mis fortune to have worked with them.

Look at how many shootings involve young kids in all american states compared to other countries.

Please do not let our country get any worse.

Our livelyhoods and sport depend on us showing a good example.

What i don't think a lot of people realise is it's just a stroke of a pen which will end all our sport,any bad publicity is bad news !.

By the way i am not against using dog's !.

I have worked and trained dog's all my life,long dogs,terriers,gundogs, and i will admit it is a very enjoyable thing to watch a dog work.I also whipped in to a pack of hounds,i was part time kennel man and also hunted from time to time the weardale and tees valley beagles for fourteen years.

P.S. it takes second to lose freedom,it takes a life time to get it.

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Hi All,


Been busy eh !


I just got back from lamping - not a sniff, well one spotted at about 400 yards which went that-a-way. So I need to try harder.


Next time I'm lamping I need something to get their attention - I might try dragged BABOON. Anyone know where I can get one from ?


- Remember anti's will be having kitten's about a dragged Baboon - to me it's no different to dragging a rabbit over here (UK) for a fox.


As for 9'ish (?) year old kids (girls too - yikes) getting out hunting - what age restriction would you (hang on a minute the government dictate that - I don't have to think for myself !) place on junior's going hunting ?


I was fortunate enough to see a 6/7 year old out pigeon shooting with his dad last weekend - great I thought - if they'd been after deer, I'd have thought the same - only wow that kid has some patience ! and if he'd helped with a gralloch, that is part of stalking too, so good. If the dad had taken his daughter, lucky him in the long run it might cost him more in bullets but less in clothes (except camo).


I always thought YP was completely nuts - not tonight.




Edited by AndyCM
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