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what are your veiws on the closure of the guinea pig farm ? the national media have,imo been even handed in their coverage of the story.as per usual the "militia" hide behind masks and darkness and have destroyed a community.

digging up a grave shows how odd these people are.

if i had the courage i would have killed a spider last night (the size of a dinner plate) but i sat on the kitchen table waiting for the wife to come home. :*) had i killed it would i have had my car vandalised and my grandmother disinterred ?

what a bunch of cowards :<

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Had a bit of banter about it at work today and I thought I got peole to look at it differently as I asked if anyone was prepared to give up all medicines that have been tested on animals or wre prepared to change to eating only free range organic meat? A few got the message. :lol:

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Hello fellas,

My opinion on the subject is this, I do not agree the barbaric methods used by some of these so called animal rights people but I don’t agree with testing products on animals that make the wife’s lips, or eyes look better.


Many people don’t seem to be bothered about it, but if one of them guinea pigs was in a class case within your living room, whimpering after having some form of acid injected into its eyes, then I think even the hardest would have some pity and seek other methods of experiment.


It’s the child killers and rapists that should be donated to science for such tests not mammals. Will it happen, NO but it would suit all of us I’m sure and I wouldnt see many objecting it it either.


The PM

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what are your veiws on the closure of the guinea pig farm ? the national media have,imo been even handed in their coverage of the story.as per usual the "militia" hide behind masks and darkness and have destroyed a community.

digging up a grave shows how odd these people are.

if i had the courage i would have killed a spider last night (the size of a dinner plate) but i sat on the kitchen table waiting for the wife to come home. :*) had i killed it would i have had my car vandalised and my grandmother disinterred ?

what a bunch of cowards  :<

Hi folks,

the farmer in question had intended to stop farming in the very near future any way, his intensions were to make enough money to sell up and emigrate.(business) Which he intends to, i gather from conversations, that he or should we say the family, had stayed there for the sole reason, not to be BULLIED by the so called animal rites T***s.

I know personaly people who have worked for, or indirectly for the farm, and nearly all have taken on other means of employment due to the BULLYING BY the so called animal rites. I take my hat off to the family. I dont think i could have put up with that **** without having myself face a jury for :lol:


I wonder how many of the demonstrators take tablets for whatever.

How many of their relations have been treated for cancer.

One of the biggest suppliers of funds for the demonstrations for all this is a bloke we have all heard of. Paul McC ARTNY

His wife Linda Died of cancer not long ago.....

The day before she died she was out riding her horse, how many people do you all know who have had cancer and died from it, were FIT ENOUGH to go out for a horse ride the day before they died :lol:?:lol:?:lol:??

and what treatment did she have.





i despise them all they are nothing but s****


its ruined my night hearing about this

if they love the animals that much- why dont they take their place

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Well, hopefully this won't set back science too much, personally I am going to start donating all the cats I find in my garden to the scientists to try and compensate, they probably need all the animals they can get at the moment.


PM agree with you, but as far as I'm aware these guinea pigs were bred for medicinal research - cancer and the like. I think very little reseach for cosmetics (if any?) occurs in the UK, as I doubt many people support that. All it does mean is the people who want to research it go to India or other countries where they can do it far cheaper anyway, with people just as skilled, and have no protests.

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