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Mmmmmm Daystate ;-)))

old rooster

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Just been out for the afternoon with my new Daystate, needed to put some shots through it to get more accustomed to how it performs.


Went to one of my large garden shoots which has a couple of horse paddocks adjacent that I can also shoot. Bit of a windy afternoon here with sharp showers at regular intervals.


Walked the shoot and bagged half a dozen nice bunnies before deciding to sit under a tree 65 yards from a hedge riddled with rabbit holes, across the other side of the paddocks . It is lovely sandy ground and I reckon they think they are at the seaside as they dig the hell out of everything in sight.


Had the gun set up at 35 yards so to get the exact hold over needed I reverted to a trick we used to employ as lads when out with the Airsporters; know where the bunnies are going to sit and pick a little white stone at that range, shoot at it adding elevation with each shot until you are bang on and you've got your hold over. I don't bother adjusting the scope once I know which horizontal bar on the reticule to use.


I know a lot of you are going to say that it ain't possible to consistently shoot rabbits in the head at that range but I'm afraid that's bo**ox, you just need to get out there and practice. I've fitted one of those cheap "tasco" 9-24x50 scopes off Ebay to the Daystate and at max magnification you can pick them off at will. Had a solid fence post to rest my back against, shot from the sitting position with the gun resting on my knee. Very stable way to shoot if you can set things up like that.


Ended up with 14 nice rabbits and a couple of squirrels that sat in a tree so close to me that I had to sight down the side of the barrel to get them !!.

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v impressive, walking in the shot is the term the millitary use for that technique i believe. i used that alot with longer range airgun shooting, and what i used to do was get it so i knew @ what magnification the shot would fall smack on the thick part of the cross hair (using standard 4A cross hair) at the chosen range.


good bag.


keep up hte good work

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Rooster looks like you are well taken with your mk3? I looked at one but as I found it "heavy" and didnt trust the electronics? and was really after fac format and couldnt get a reasonable response to my questions re shot count at say 30 ish lbs I veered away and went for a couple of rapids!! (both custom built ie not standard fac models off the shelf?) like you I have taken the trouble and time to enable myself to confidently and cleanly take rabbit at somewhat extended range, I will quite expect to cleanly dispatch rabbit at 80 yards plus perhaps a little more on an exceptionally still day but I (unless using a "shoot stick" at night) shoot prone using a net bag as my gun rest come "hide" I use "standard" pellets ie superfields and hn ftt, and both guns one at 30.6 other at 40 shoot surprisingly flat, like you I find an airgun a very usefull tool if set up and most of all used right,


Is your mk3 at standard power and if not what and how is the noise level I know the 12lb job sounds like a girly **** and thats about it? where as mine do have some noise about them mind you the 40lber is fitted with an awt silencer that is very effective.

cheers KW

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KW, see no reason to doubt the electronics, used to be a bit of a Luddite myself but I've even got one of them new fangled colour telly things now :lol:


I like the concept; no hammer jar at all, great shot to shot repeatability and good killing power. I don't hate any of the things that I shoot I just want clean kills as often as possible. Can't claim 100% but I'd seriously question anybody who does.


Gun is very quiet as Evilv can attest, it is heavier than the Axsor which is also capable of knocking the bunnies around fairish (had several 80 plus yarders with that before I got the MK3). I'm not addicted to long range shooting with air rifles but I know what a well sorted gun can do and can't see the point in not using the potential. Reckon I'm fair at spotting the bunnies and creeping up on them if that's the order of the day but there is a great satisfaction in setting the gun up smack on and pulling off a series of long range clean kills. On this occasion I didn't have much choice as the hedge has a wide belt of nettles on either side with the holes hidden in the undergrowth. No other cover to use and to be honest where I sat had a great panoramic view of the surrounding countryside to savour while awaiting the next victim.


Going to leave the rest for a ferreting session mid September, will try to get some video footage of that as it's interesting terrain with plenty of bunnies.


Forgot to mention that is was Accupels all the way, which won't be much of a surprise to anbody who knows of my slavish devotion to this fantastic pellet :lol:

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Very inpressive OR, incidentally, just how much over did you give for the longer range shot? And what sort of power is the Daystate putting out?





Don't know how you'd quantify the hold over, just kept upping it until it was hitting the target at the range I needed. Guess this gun must be making good power, it is far more technically advanced than the Air Arms that seems so popular.

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some one made an interesting remark when trying out a Mk3 at the club a little while ago


"what more can they do to a rifle?"


me i just say "another beeping daystate LOL"


just make sure you switch it off when you put it away or your other half will be going nuts trying to work out whats beeping LOL


ROB :unsure:

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I know a lot of you are going to say that it ain't possible to consistently shoot rabbits in the head at that range but I'm afraid that's bo**ox, you just need to get out there and practice.

I think this is left to seasoned pros like yourself old rooster.

To be honest even with the right kit I wouldn't do it although if I practiesed doing it I might gain the confidence :unsure: . (ON TARGETS!!)


I would hate to see anyone new to the sport having a go at it with the new chinese springer they have just bought!

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I know a lot of you are going to say that it ain't possible to consistently shoot rabbits in the head at that range but I'm afraid that's bo**ox, you just need to get out there and practice.

I think this is left to seasoned pros like yourself old rooster.

To be honest even with the right kit I wouldn't do it although if I practiesed doing it I might gain the confidence :unsure: . (ON TARGETS!!)


I would hate to see anyone new to the sport having a go at it with the new chinese springer they have just bought!

I'm not suggesting it's the way to go for a novice or for that matter somebody with a poor quality gun. I will stress AGAIN that you MUST have the right equipment, gun, scope and pellet and take the time to become proficient. That includes training yourself to be rock steady for the shots.


I can’t personally play the piano (or any other musical instrument come to that) but I know that it can be done as I’ve witnessed others who can.


The Daystate has no hammer movement to give even the slightest movement when it’s fired so an ideal tool for the job. It ain’t cheap but then you do tend to get what you pay for. It does beep when you set it up to give audible warnings or if you leave the safety catch off for a long time, it’s really handy in this respect as you can set it up to count the shots in the magazine so that once you’ve fired 10 you don’t take the next shot on an empty barrel, particularly handy when out at night. You can also set up an alert for a total shot count to remind you to recharge the gun.


It can be electrically locked for those concerned that the kids might find their gun and go off shooting without supervision.


Don’t know of any other guns that offer these niceties or are fired without recourse to a moving hammer so it is very innovative and practical to use.


I’ve no contract with Daystate to promote their products, just telling it as I see it.

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as long as its a nice calm day 60+ yard shots are possible, i know i can hit a golf ball down the club 8 out of 10 shots at 75 yards, but in the field i do limit myself to 45 yards max. and thats using a TX200!!!!!


If its beyond my set range all i do is take aim but not pulling the trigger, I know one day he'll be in the bag :unsure:


the best shot i have ever done was 85 yard drawing pin! one shot for holdover, second shot for the wind, third shot got the little ****** :blink: (borrowed an EV2 with 10-50 scope set on 50 mag).


long range shooting is possible with sub 12F/lbs air rifles just not advisable, its easy to give it enough hold over, the tricky part is gauging the wind.


ROB :lol:

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Not knocking you at all sir!

Infact I am in awe of your prowess.

I just don't want to see anyone with a new toy shooting above their limit. Been there and done it myself and ashamed of it now :*)


Please don't take it as a critisim.

New toy and above theire limit, - what are you implying Snakebite? :<
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What I WAS trying to say was....... (we are not getting off to a good start BFC are we?!)


When someone goes out and buys a rifle, sets it up to the best of his knowldge (which is not a lot really as he hasn't shot for years and then it was only with an old rifle in his back garden without a scope!) and goes into the field looking for rabbits, sees one at what must be 100yds and takes a shot at it with no concept of hold over, then that is what I mean about shooting above your weight!


Oh and that person was me not so long ago.

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Please don't take it as a critisim.

New toy and above theire limit, - what are you implying Snakebite? :<

You ain't sha*ging BFC's wife by any chance are you Snakebite :*) :*) :*) :unsure:






You are right to show annoyance as i am rather embarrassed by this comment as i was'nt up to speed on the history between these two members and looks like i'm trying to stir things up let's say and for that to the members concerned ........My Apologies :*) :*) :*)

If made in the right context this is considered FRIENDLY banter where i come from.

Once i was up to speed (some 2hrs later) i made a comment about chill pills etc! from which you made your humourous tannoy announcement .




A very Humble Ivan

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You are not stirring at all!


The fact is that BFC is just making comments he feels are relevant. To be honest i don't think they are meant as insults, I hope not any way.

I am certainly not taking umbridge and as far as I am concerned a little light hearted banter is good fun.


And besides if you've seen my flat cap you'd want to take the p**s :unsure:

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Hey Ivan, no need to apologise for anything to me mate. I just thought maybe we ought to keep remarks about wives out of it, but that's just my opinion. So easy to misinterpret a humorous jibe when you can't see the other guy's grinning as he types it.


The really good thing about this forum in comparison to some others, is that the people here are good lads. Believe it or not, I'm banned from Airgunbbs because I crossed a bunch of tw*ts there who like to take the **** out of any ordinary bloke who turns up and makes a spelling mistake or asks a greenhorn question. Anyway I'm sure we all mean to keep this forum the friendly and welcoming place it is. Take no notice of my grumblings. People who know me think I'm a ranting old ***.

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