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First driven day of the season

henry d

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What do they regard as they best weather for driven shooting?

The guns down here moan like hell when it is dry, frosty and sunny (which as beaters we look forward to)


I regard dry, frosty and sunny days as best weather for driven shooting - I don't understand why they would want it any different. Maybe it depends on the lie of the land? If the land is reasonably flat, perhaps a bit of wind makes the birds fly better? Most of the driven shooting I've done is on hilly ground where the guns can be placed on lower ground.


Certainly, the keepers around here want frosty days as this means the birds will be at the feeders and therefore in the drives, rather than scratching around on the next farms stubble!


As for my rough syndicate, when it's sunny and frosty we can reasonably accurately predict where our birds will be, i.e. sitting on south facing banks in the sun, and so it's easier to place the standing guns and know where to focus the main parts of the drives.

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I regard dry, frosty and sunny days as best weather for driven shooting - I don't understand why they would want it any different. Maybe it depends on the lie of the land? If the land is reasonably flat, perhaps a bit of wind makes the birds fly better?

The ground is fairly hilly and they also place the guns down the bottom, so for round here they are high birds.

The last comment I heard was from a guns loader, he looked up at the clear blue sky, tutted, and mumbled 'would have been better off staying in bed' hence the question.


Whenever we used to go down to Devon, the weather was always better for shooting 'last week'... :(

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sun can make a difference as birds don't like to fly into it, overcast bit of wind and not too cold is ideal. have to say really frosty days I prefer to beat rather than freeze standing on peg

Never really heard or thought of that. I'll pay more attention next time it's sunny.


Whenever we used to go down to Devon, the weather was always better for shooting 'last week'...


Hehe, yep. Sounds like standard keeper-speak. Each year is always a "terrible year" - much worse than last year.

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