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Decorating question!

White Rabbit

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Hi Folks,


Got to do some decorating in our new house. Problem is, some of the internal walls are just wall paper applied direct to plasterboard. Can i use a steamer to take it off or will it knacker the plaster board?


If i try to strip it dry i imagine i'll end up digging holes into the boards with the scraper? Help!


Would it be better just to apply the new paper on top of the old? I 've heard thats not a good idea.


Any advice greatly received!



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Dry strip as much of the face paper off which should hopefully leave the paper backing. Get a cheap pump up sprayer from B&Q and spray a light amount of water on the backing paper. Don't near flood it, just wet it. Allow the water to soak. Then repeat again. You may then be able to strip the backing paper off by hand if it lifts enough. I would avoid the steamer as there is every chance it will pop the board underneath and fur the plasterboard up.


You can buy sprays etc for the paper which supposedly softens the paste. I don't use these at all as I think they are useless. Just go with the regular wetting and stripping carefully. Also don't use a cheap scraper with a whopping blade. The one I use daily is only 3" wide.


If you wet the paper enough it will lift from the board and will come off. Just take your time. Been decorating over 20 years now and always used the 'wet it, wet it and wet it again' routine to great effect. :)

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Dry strip as much of the face paper off which should hopefully leave the paper backing. Get a cheap pump up sprayer from B&Q and spray a light amount of water on the backing paper. Don't near flood it, just wet it. Allow the water to soak. Then repeat again. You may then be able to strip the backing paper off by hand if it lifts enough. I would avoid the steamer as there is every chance it will pop the board underneath and fur the plasterboard up.


You can buy sprays etc for the paper which supposedly softens the paste. I don't use these at all as I think they are useless. Just go with the regular wetting and stripping carefully. Also don't use a cheap scraper with a whopping blade. The one I use daily is only 3" wide.


If you wet the paper enough it will lift from the board and will come off. Just take your time. Been decorating over 20 years now and always used the 'wet it, wet it and wet it again' routine to great effect. :rolleyes:

Followed your advice to the letter and it came off a treat. Thankyou! Steamed the other solid walls and wasn't very impressed so went back to your method for those aswell. Had to do a small area of woodchip aswell. Nightmare!! But got there in the end. Glad it was a small area cos i was losing the will to live!


Thanks for the advice.

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Followed your advice to the letter and it came off a treat. Thankyou! Steamed the other solid walls and wasn't very impressed so went back to your method for those aswell. Had to do a small area of woodchip aswell. Nightmare!! But got there in the end. Glad it was a small area cos i was losing the will to live!


Thanks for the advice.

Pleased it worked for you WR. PITA is stripping woodchip paper. I normally let the 2 lads who work for me do those chores... :rolleyes: I've done my fair share of stripping it whilst I was the junior...

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