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Skeet, Stand 4?


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Hi All,


I may answer my own question her but from missing 4\4 i now seem to hit the singles most of the time, however the pairs are getting me.


Sometimes i miss both but today in practice i killed the pair with the first barrel :good:


I have now moved my hold point back slightly to allow me to pick up and kill the bird earlier to avoid the above situation but would appreciate any advice.


First regd in the morning :rolleyes:



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If the targets are set correctly then they should pass over the centre peg. Therefore I always shoot the first in the pair just past the peg, that way the second is already out of the way. Don't think that you MUST shoot it before or at the peg - you have plenty of time. :rolleyes:


Practice shooting the singles where you would shoot them as a pair. That way you have less to think about and you won't go changing your mind when you are about to pull the trigger :good:

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The moving gun mount is paramount here. I also shoot the low house first before the center peg and then up and a gentle almost flick through the high house bird with very little gun movement from the first bird to the second as the second is now in place over the first bird. Don`t shoot with locked knees and move from the hips. :rolleyes:

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Don't worry about it. No need to change your hold point and try and kill the first bird earlier. It'll only mean you're likely to rush by trying to kill it before the peg. It happens very occasionally, but no need to change you're usual set up. Try and shoot them together in practice and see how many you manage. Not many i'll wager. Just do what you always do, shoot the singles, then when you shoot the pairs concentrate on killing the first bird when you feel you're on it, don't rush it to get a position on the second bird. You've got more time than you might think. :rolleyes:


Good luck for tomorrow.

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Not sure as there were still cards to be submitted when I left.


I shot 19, 18, 18, 16 and there were 5 or 6 below me when i left. Worst was a 7, 4, 4, 2.


Overall I enjoyed it and looking forward to the next :good: My mission was to not come last :good:





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I didn't see PDLM, David Blunkett or Stevie Wonder about lol :good: however they were class C, at least if i'd put it in i could have hidden in UC :good:


I found the registered thing initially daunting as I was worried about the rules etc as I only had the CPSA guides etc to go from which sounded pretty anal and i wasn't sure what to expect.


I was very nervous and didn't really settle down until mid way through round 3 but then really enjoyed it. A couple of guys on the squad had their 50&100 ESK straight badges which was pretty awe inspiring although there weren't any straights on my squad today, a couple of 24's though.


There was absolute silence until the end of the second round and then there was a bit of chat, one of the guys could obviously tell I was green so to speak, he had a chat when we moved to the next layout about how i could improve on stand 6 as i had been making things difficult for myself. I applied what he had said and straighted 6 on the remaining 2 rounds ??? and got a comment from one of the other guys of very well shot after 6 so that made me smile.


Overall i'm really glad i did it, i enjoyed it, i learnt from it and am really looking forward to the next one. I'm glad i did it now as i now know what to expect, the other thing is a now have a reason to practice more as i have something to aim for.


The main thing I was worried about was shooting like a muppet, although my scores weren't great I was very happy with them and i wasn't last. My PB is a 20 which i have shot once (last weekend) and have done 19's about 6\7 times.


Getting 4 sorted has taken time, until a session with one of the coaches at Bisley spotted straight away that i have cross dominance (despite 3 lessons at a very expensive ground who completely missed it) so I couldn't hit a crosser full stop. I left skeet alone for about 6 weeks and only shot sporting before going back to it and my bad memories of 4 are long gone :yes:


I know skeet, well ESK anyway is considered beneath some shooters but i think it's helped my sporting and vice versa. I just can't wait to get out again next weekend ???





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