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Hare coursers on boxing day!!!!!!!!&#3


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Isn't hare coursing traditional?


Yes Mate hare coursing is traditional,just as the hunting of fox with horse and hounds is traditional,and the digging of badgers with terriers is traditional.

The problem is that all of the above are illegal!!,that means only the hardcore criminal elements still practise them.

They turn up on land without any permission (cos it's illegal) so they don't care whether they rip the place to bits with their 4X4's and god help anybody who gets in their way.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not against any of these sports and used to work my Black Fell for the Cumbrian hunt she originated from ,and also used to course hares pre-ban with my Hancock bred collie greyhound cross and Saluki. I attended the Waterloo Cup every year and like many many others always had thoughts that one day I'd be the proud owner of the winner.

I certainly wouldn't describe them as scum but the vast majority that still course hare certainly are people that just don't give an excrement about the land, the hares, you, me, or anything.


Edited by Magus69
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Hare coursers on MY land that I don't know about!


Can only mean one thing and that is loads of bloody hassle and lots of light fingers near my yard.


Hare coursing IS ILLEGAL with or without permission. If they are caught on my land they are dealt with as would any trespasser or burglar.


I don't shoot hares because they are not a problem down here as the numbers around are small and do no damage to my crops. Plus there have been so many ****** coursing them there are not many left.


As for the type of person who does it, round here, and this includes the little ****s that were out on boxing day, they are the sort of people who put honest landowners in HOSPITAL for interrupting their illegal outings. Also they rarely have tax or insurance or mot on the vehicle they have nicked this week. Would I classify them as scum? Too bloody right I would.


Details taken and passed on to the appropriate authority to deal with at their leisure

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i am sure most..iv not all people on here have knowinglyindulged in some form of illegal activity..say going 35mph in a 30 zone..just seems all you rifle men have some gripe with the lurcher lads..dont get me wrong am not condoning violence or property damage.. but why do you all assume we are all the same as the ****** or chavs you mention..the world doesnt revolve round you lot because you have big guns that can mangle a fox at 500yrds!!!

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i am sure most..iv not all people on here have knowinglyindulged in some form of illegal activity..say going 35mph in a 30 zone..just seems all you rifle men have some gripe with the lurcher lads..dont get me wrong am not condoning violence or property damage.. but why do you all assume we are all the same as the ****** or chavs you mention..the world doesnt revolve round you lot because you have big guns that can mangle a fox at 500yrds!!!


Are you seriously equating illegal hare coursing with exceeding the speed limit by 5mph? :yes: B)

Edited by Blunderbuss
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i am sure most..iv not all people on here have knowinglyindulged in some form of illegal activity..say going 35mph in a 30 zone..just seems all you rifle men have some gripe with the lurcher lads..dont get me wrong am not condoning violence or property damage.. but why do you all assume we are all the same as the ****** or chavs you mention..the world doesnt revolve round you lot because you have big guns that can mangle a fox at 500yrds!!!


if your on land with no permission , what do you want folk to do,

shake your hand and thank you.


you all assume we are all the same as the ****** or chavs

with no permission thats exactly what they/you are.

or is the law different for you, meaning you can go where you like with a dog.

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dont think anyone believes the world revolves around them because they have guns, i think the general problem here is with people TRESPASSING and POACHING, and the fact theyre carrying out an illegal activity (in mainland anyway) to boot :yes:


after having trouble in the past with a similar type of idiots i whole heartedly agree with martin. maybe the fact that firearms owners have to go through so much legal cr4p and form filling (which im now doing) leaves us with a healthy respect for the law, due to the fact that if we participated in that type of illegal activity we would expect to lose our guns at the very least,never mind having poaching/armed trespass thrown at us as well.

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i am sure most..iv not all people on here have knowinglyindulged in some form of illegal activity..say going 35mph in a 30 zone..just seems all you rifle men have some gripe with the lurcher lads..dont get me wrong am not condoning violence or property damage.. but why do you all assume we are all the same as the ****** or chavs you mention..the world doesnt revolve round you lot because you have big guns that can mangle a fox at 500yrds!!!



Does that mean you like to indulge in trespass then? Believe me if they are on my land then that bit of the world DOES revolve round me.

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both ILLEGAL so yes??? that extra 5 mph significantly increases the chance of a fatality in the event of a collision!!! FACT!!!


Er OK. If I get caught doing 35 mph, I'll be quite happy to face the full force of the law. If I see you hare coursing I'll be on the phone to the cops PDQ and I assume you'll be just as happy to accept what's coming? B) If you are an illegal courser I hope you get caught ASAP and lose whatever shotgun or firearms certificates you hold :yes:


If the hunting with dogs law gets overturned, then I will have no gripe with coursers who aren't trespassing. Until then it gives law abiding fieldsports enthusiasts a bad name, and where I live, goes hand in hand with theft, criminal damage and violence to landowners and keepers.

Edited by Blunderbuss
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so you freely admit trespassing is ilegal and you partake in the event,

and think its out of order when you are challenged over it. :yes:

if thats not chav like , i dont know what is.

i have, as said never been challenged mark!! dont tell me you have never broke the law?? !!!

you have met me mate and seen the dog i run..do you think i am a CHAV???

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Er OK. If I get caught doing 35 mph, I'll be quite happy to face the full face of the law. If I see you hare coursing I'll be on the phone to the cops PDQ and I assume you'll be just as happy to accept what's coming? B) If you are an illegal courser I hope you get caught ASAP and lose whatever shotgun or firearms certificates you hold :yes:


If the hunting with dogs law gets overturned, then I will have no gripe with coursers who aren't trespassing. Until then it gives law abiding fieldsports enthusiasts a bad name, and where I live, goes hand in hand with theft, criminal damage and violence to landowners and keepers.

i assume you like motorbikes goin off your profile pic..should we tare you with the same brush as the idiots we see doin silly speeds up and down the streets and putting other peoples..as well as there own lives at risk??? all am sayin is you cant judge everyone on how a certain few go about there business!!!

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