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Moles !!!


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Just popped up to my top garden as I could hear a strange rhythmic 'squeal', my neighbours set a few mole scarers, and yes they have now turned my lawn into a mees like his !!!


Anyone have any surefire proven ways to get rid, and NO, 32grm of 6's is not the answer......lolol





Dave B

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On small ornamental lawns I've put fine rabbit hutch mesh over the grass and top dressed it in. They get stuck under it and can only come up somewhere else.


On larger lawns get a hose from your strimmer or mower and run it down the holes for ten minutes.


But don't get caught doing it as it will turn out more exspensive than had you called Me out


PELTMAN :good:

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Just popped up to my top garden as I could hear a strange rhythmic 'squeal', my neighbours set a few mole scarers, and yes they have now turned my lawn into a mees like his !!!


Anyone have any surefire proven ways to get rid, and NO, 32grm of 6's is not the answer......lolol





Dave B

Yes get a molecatcher to do it




the guild of british mole catchers page titled help I have a mole

Failing that give me a bell and I,ll come and trap the little ******* for you.

all the best 410 phil



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I had the same problem last year, completely ruined my lawn (it really did look like a ploughed field!), anyway someone on here suggested pouring petrol on the mole hills and in the runs, tried this and it worked...no more moles :P



Pouring petrol/diesel/jeyes fluid etc into the ground to get rid of moles is ILLEGAL !!

As is gassing them with exhaust fumes :good::lol:

If your going to kill an an animal make sure you do it legally and as humanely as possible.

Just because you can't see the moles doesn't mean they should be treated with any less respect than a rabbit or pigeon or whatever this is just fuel for the anti,s.

Rant over ,as you were


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Someone recently told me about using young hawthorne branches with the spikes left on them - dug into the last hole the mole is going to carry on digging from. Bury the branches in the gound with spikes facing the tunnel. When Mr Mole comes along and spikes himself he will bleed to death because he is anaemic - apparently.

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