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Has any one heard of a baikal zh 301.


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just ondering if any one had heard of or has a baikal zh 301. i got one from my local gunroom and is the only one like it ive ever seen will post a pic as soon as i can.

thanx Alex :blink:






Edited by A.McCormick
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I have seen the gun and had an incling that it may have been one of the pre-mass exportation guns, as before baikal started exporting guns they were reserved for use only by russias olimpic team members. This gun, although in no way a high grade gun, is of a higher grade than modern day baikals or the workhorses that first came into our country.

When using the gun it is immideatley apparent that the action is not what you would decribe as everyday! but i cannot tell you any more than the top lever moves as you open the gun, because it is difficult to be able to see without stripping the gun.

I am not sure if this matters at all but it appears to have "factory-fitted" sling swivels attached to the barrel and stock


hope this is of help





P.S I doubt that it accualy is one of the olimpic grades but who knows :lol:

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my baikal was made from two scaffold tubes welded together,some melted horse shoes and timber from the mary rose.all i have to do is look at it and it opens,if i could find an 18 yr old as loose id be a happy man.

that said it never fails to do the job i bought it for and will easily out last me :(

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i too have a baikal, great gun, this one 25 years old presentation grade o/u 12g is a great walk about gun, dosent weigh much, non ejector so it dosent go wrong, double triggers, straight hand stock hand engraved. shot many a thing with it, but its being reserved for special days now or walked up game.

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forgot to add that this is not to say all baikals are like this, ive seen some modern ones that could have been finished by monkeys. but they are what they are, and they still represent good cheap work horses, even if they wernt always just this way.


built like bricks, and unfortuantly in modern days they are often built to about the same tollerances.


this is not to say they still dont make fine guns every now and then.


keep us posted if you discover what your gun is, maybe a photo might help?

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yes i know that model, it is avalible with rifle barrels as well, i know someone who uses one down at one of my clay shoots, unfortuantly im affraid to say it double detonates, so he has stopped using it :D


bare in mind his is a bit of a bashed up old gun, and im sure yours will be fine, just thought you should know this as i have encountered this type of gun.

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dunganick, are you referring to the gun in A.McCormick's photographs ?


If so, how have you identified it as being the same model ?

I have owned and known of a few different Baikals over the years and have spent quite a bit of time trying to identify this model, since the question was first posted.


I'm not questioning your comments, just trying to establish where your facts come from. :D

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i recognise the very distinctive boxy shape just forward of the lever , and the shape of the side of the action, also that it has 2 triggers, also the barrel mounted sling (abviously copied on many guns, but just another matching feature).


however, at this point i remeber that i believe the owner thought this gun was a brno :/


this is deffinatly the same gun, its very recogniseable, but dont hold me to it that it is a brno, im going on someone else's word, which isnt to say he is right or wrong, just that im not certain :D

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Mmmm, I don't think that the similarities are at all conclusive, but I can see what you mean. :D


It does have the chunky action that was familiar with some of the early BRNO shotguns, but if it is clearly marked "Baikal", then thats what it is.


Most European and Soviet Bloc shotguns had sling mountings and some still do.


I also am not sure it has interchangeable rifled barrels, as its an under and over.

Baikal produced quite a few combo weapons, with one rifled and one smooth bore barrel as under and overs, but the only double rifled barrels I have heard of, were side by side models and they weren't interchangeable.


I am definitely not an encyclopedic reference point for Baikal shotguns, but I have done some homework on them over the years.

This model intrigues me.

Its a pity Hammergun hasn't been around for a while, he may have had an opinion.

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