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Cat caught in "Illegal" trap


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It is indeed a scissor trap for moles, and my local hardware shop will sell anyone as many as they want. Typical media *******, and as I've said before the owner of the cat should should be prosecuted for not looking after it's welfare, allowing it to go off to get hurt. Let me know where it is and I'll ring the RSPCA, might make the papers again!

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what paper was that in mate?


It was from the Clacton and Frinton gazette and is this weeks issue, the reporters name is clearly visible, be good for someone in the know to take him to task for bad reporting..even the "Vet" said it was illegal!..numbnuts

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It was from the Clacton and Frinton gazette and is this weeks issue, the reporters name is clearly visible, be good for someone in the know to take him to task for bad reporting..even the "Vet" said it was illegal!..numbnuts

Not that they seem to have asked the vet, just taken the owners word for it.

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i catch hundreds of the ******* each year in live catch fox traps one time i set x 2 traps in a old aged pensioner's garden and by mid afternoon i had a call from a distressed pensioner a cat had been caught her neighbour called the RSPCA who came out released the cat and told the the pensioner if i never collected the traps she and i were liable for prosacution for crulity and performing a illeagal act the RSPCA cost me the job and never left a contact number for me to ring the neighbour would not answer her door .the public take the word of a uniformed person as gospel they have a uniform they must be important pain in the rear .

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