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decoying deer

pete evans

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finally got a bit of sport on the stubbles. got a bag of 30 on some wheat, set up under a "sitty" and got birds coming into deeks and the tree itself. Halfway through the session 2 roe does walked right across the stubbles sniffed a few of the decoys then walked right up to the hide, perhaps 5-6 feet away. they eventually winded me and trotted off. wish id had the camera.



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Closest I have come to a deer was about 30 feet!

I was stopped in a wood, on a path when it came out of the brush and onto the path. It stopped put it's head down to graze and moved towards me.

When it got to 30 feet away I whistled quietly, it looked up did a classic comedy double take and ran off :blink:


The first time I saw a deer on my Sunday shoot was in a field that had just been harvested. I was stalking slowly along the hedge looking for pigeons when a couple of deer came TOWARDS me. Now not knowing a lot about the habits of deer I worried a bit when the male started barking and was still coming towards me. I thought it might be getting protective of it's mate. Now only having an air rifle I thought if he charges I'll have to club it! Not sure what the estate owner would have thought of that B) Anyway it got to within 40yds and then turned around and ran off barking his discontent!


Wish I'd had a camera that day.

Better still a bigger gun :(

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Off topic slightly but the game and fish wardens used to decoy poachers using "Robodeer" B)

They set it at the side of the road and a camera was hidden nearby which was activated by someone shooting at the deer,it was quite successful but if they tried to do that here it would probably be against some EU rule or other :thumbs: :( :thumbs: :blink:

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Here's some funny ones that I have witnessed recently...


I went beating on a partridge shoot near me a couple of Saturday's ago and almost trod on a Muntjac that strolled out of the maize, she just looked up and strolled back in - no panic at all!


I saw a Muntjac on some land I have the rights to and was watching him through my bino's. I then saw a rabbit feeding on the grass in front on him. I dropped the rabbit and the Munty didn't even flinch, jut butted the bunny a few times to see why it fell over :( and them casualy wondered off.


We were sailing off the south coast of Devon at the weekend and we saw a pod of bottle nose dolphins, just after that a small bird landed on the deck of out boat (unidentied but looked bit like a bunting of some sort) when he flew off a hawk stooped down and almost took the poor sod out!


I recken being sportsmen not only are we 'out there' more than most couch potatoes, but we tend to look closer at what is arround us too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few months ago I had a muntjac about six feet away, in front of my hide, obviously wanting to get through a gap in the hedge. It just turned away and continued up the hedge. Muntjac are well known for being bomb proof.


Surprising what you see when you spend a few hours in a draughty hedge!!

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