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Fuel Shortage


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All the stations near me are back to normal, all those peole who panicked have done is given the feul companies a nice little boost to their earnings this week, so pretty counterproductive action :*)


OK, all you deisel drivers, who is going to be brave enough to give this a go, or who has alreday tried it?? (those of us who do not have access to red of course)



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I filled up this morning and Sainsburys was the quietest I've seen it in years :(


Stuartp I've been looking into that recently veg diesel this explains how to do it without conversion. I think it comes down to the fact that the veg oil will crystalise in cold weather and screw up the injection system. Either you use a high % of diesel to veg oil or a conversion which heats the engine with diesel before switching to 100% veg oil from the secondary tank.


You still have to buy the veg oil and pay 27p/L duty to Gordon.

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Does that mean you'll be lamping on your bicycle when we all go out in the 4x4? :(

The bike lights I have got will put most lamps to shame!


And besides the sight of me in my lycra shorts will knock 'em over before I get there!

Deadly accurate to 100 yds, easy. :blink:

B) :thumbs: :thumbs:


So what your telling me is that the S410 you just bought is waisted money, as all along you had the ultimate pest control weapon, You in Lycra Cycling shorts. :thumbs:


Make sure you cycle being the 4x4, I dont want to suffer the same way! :( :D



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So what your telling me is that the S410 you just bought is waisted money, as all along you had the ultimate pest control weapon, You in Lycra Cycling shorts. :(

I could clear the field in no time, but how am I going to get them back?

They get stuck in the spokes when I hang them from the bars.


I have lost count of the times I could have kicked one when on the bike. I seem to be able to get that close to them! Wouldn't do it in a million years ofcourse, less for me to shoot then!

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Not sure about the single occupancy system.......

I do know that Norwich has the worst traffic managment system.....All due to the local council (guess who controls that? :< ) looking to punish ordinary rural folk who have to drive to work in the city......


Out here in NJ we used to have car-pool lanes but that was abused by people sitting blow-up dolls in the passenger seat :( So they did away with them......

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