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Harrycatcat1 on here offered to take a newbie on his shoot the other week in your neck of the woods, may be you could pm him.. As already said its comming to the end of the season now, so come august time you could register on the pubs forum and keep an eye on BASC site in the go shooting section..


If you clay shoot at any of the sraw bale clubs you may come in contact with someone there who shoots or beats on a shoot in the area..

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  • 5 months later...
iv ad a look at all of them cant make heads or tails of em useless with computers me ill av to ring some keepers or summat for next season cheers lads

Its simple mate, for NOBS you pay £5 to register with their membership office, then you are listed on a database which will be searched by someone whenever a vacancy is announced by a shoot (£10 fee) and local members notified. To use NOBS Forum you have to advise a Regional Officer of your number and they will adjust things so you can use the NOBS Forum. Bit complicated but thats the way they do things to prevent trolls.


For PuBS, just register on their Forum with whatever name and password you wish, then post in the "Beaters Seeking Shoots" and "Seeking Experience" threads, which may be read by a local shoot seeking new people. Make sure you include your location. Simple and it works and its free

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