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shooting deer

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hi, just been reading the BASC web site about deer stalking, although it lists the restrictions regarding lamping/ season, i cant seem to find any mention of the penalties incurred if say, someone were to shoot a deer at night with a shotgun while out lamping for foxes.

Also, how or would any of you go about reporting such an incident were it to come to your attention?

Just the facts guys, cheers,


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There are about three different offences there.


I don't know what the maximum penalty is for each of them but if the offender could persuade the Court that it was a genuine error of identification and that he had a legal right to be where he was at the time with his shotgun, then he might get away with the loss of his certificate and a fine of a few hundred £££s. On the other hand, if the Court considered that he had deliberately done it, it would almost certainly mean a couple of years in the clink.

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This has all the information in: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/Acts/acts1991/ukpga...4_en_1#pb1-l1g9


If you have the carcasses you can report it and they should be able to autopsy and see that it is not legal shot (e.g. AAA or above), with regard to time of shooting witnesses could provide evidence.


The penalties are up to 3 months plus Scale 4 fine for each offence

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hi guys, thanks for the info, sorry if it's been a bit vague but it's a complicated situation [friend of my boss] etc. I did tell him it was illegal ie shooting a deer with a sub standard load, at night, no permission to shoot deer on the occupiers land, but the man is a fool! when i see him next i'll give him the run down of the consequences he faces and make it explicitly clear that i'll drop the dime on him next time, i'm still tempted to do it now, or at least have a chat with the local feo.

In his defence he said that it was a close range shot of about 15yds but this doesn't account for his attempt on the second roe, and no, they weren't injured, so i really don't have much sympathy for him.

What is worrying is that he's thinking of joining a target club to aid his application for an FAC, he wants and i quote "A HUGE EFFIN RIFLE FOR DEER AND COLOUREDS" luckily he doesn't have his own permissioned land as yet and i hope he never gets it.

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I've been thinking about this all day, i've come to the conclusion, i'm working in that shop on monday so i'll get all his details then.

I also know a policeman who frequents the shop [ he's a shooting man] and i'll pass all the details over to him. Failing that i'll call the FEO and get him a formal warning at least. You guys are right, ignorance is no excuse and it's behaviour like this that really screws it up for everyone.

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Also worth pointing out that shotguns can only ever be used to protect crops/timber. The exemption was to allow crofters to protect their interests without that added complication of an fac and buying a rifle.



Not quite true, they can also be used for humane dispatch where you can use from four ten upwards and any shot available.


The part about coloureds is ment to be rascist (bobbo)

Edited by jasons gold
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Well yes, I just thought it would be unlikely this guy had found two lamped deer in need of humane dispatch... But fair point :angry:



Unlikely yes but not impossible. when deer cross a road in front of a car its not the first deer that you have to be worried of it's the ones following behind.

But sounds more likely that the guy is just shooting deer at night with a lamp.

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hi guys, thanks for the info, sorry if it's been a bit vague but it's a complicated situation [friend of my boss] etc. I did tell him it was illegal ie shooting a deer with a sub standard load, at night, no permission to shoot deer on the occupiers land, but the man is a fool! when i see him next i'll give him the run down of the consequences he faces and make it explicitly clear that i'll drop the dime on him next time, i'm still tempted to do it now, or at least have a chat with the local feo.

In his defence he said that it was a close range shot of about 15yds but this doesn't account for his attempt on the second roe, and no, they weren't injured, so i really don't have much sympathy for him.

What is worrying is that he's thinking of joining a target club to aid his application for an FAC, he wants and i quote "A HUGE EFFIN RIFLE FOR DEER AND COLOUREDS" luckily he doesn't have his own permissioned land as yet and i hope he never gets it.

Simple one this :good: REPORT HIM :) we dont need his sort,sounds like hes a trigger happy fool to me :lol: with little respect for his quarry,or shooting :lol: BB

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there are a lot of rumours to it rather than first hand facts, unless you've seen it with your eyes I'd not get involved as telling plod stories you've heard can come back to bite you if they're not true or there is no evidence. FEO's won't read someone the riot act on the basis of a phone call as lets face it it could be someone just out for vengeance and to try and loose them their ticket

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I don't know what to think about training and Deer stalking. I find it a bit weird that you only get asked to do training for stalking? A Fox deserves the same respect IMO, and a basic mentoring or training requirement for any FAC firearm wouldn't be a bad shout.


As for blokes like the one being talked about here, what can you do? Evidence is the key problem. Humane dispatch is fine and all the guy would have to do is say it was limping badly and it would be a real job trying to prove otherwise.

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