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shooting deer

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apart from...

Foxes only come in one type.

They don't have seasons.

You don't eat them (generally)

You sound like a perfect DSC1 candidate :yes:



you could apply that to wildfowl or game shooting where you can turn up it seems not having used a shotgun before if the syndicate I was on on saturday is anything to go by. This is the safety is not what you want to hear when beating :good:

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there are a lot of rumours to it rather than first hand facts, unless you've seen it with your eyes I'd not get involved as telling plod stories you've heard can come back to bite you if they're not true or there is no evidence. FEO's won't read someone the riot act on the basis of a phone call as lets face it it could be someone just out for vengeance and to try and loose them their ticket

this is my main concern, NO EVIDENCE, just to clarify, the chap was in the gun shop boasting about it to the shop owner in front of 3 other customers. Maybe a word of warning is all that's required, i don't know for sure.

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this is my main concern, NO EVIDENCE, just to clarify, the chap was in the gun shop boasting about it to the shop owner in front of 3 other customers. Maybe a word of warning is all that's required, i don't know for sure.


Id leave well alone you may end up with egg on your face....no evidence then no offence really. Im not condoning it but you could get yourself a bad label in the process. ???

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Id leave well alone you may end up with egg on your face....no evidence then no offence really. Im not condoning it but you could get yourself a bad label in the process. <_<



I agree too. There are loads of idiots in every part of society so. Its the fact of life he will make a booboo soemwhere along the line and drop himself in the kack anyway.


Its then you can have your moment, at the present even if you did report it you would get told after trying to get across a complicated story,- right then where's the evidence?

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I'm not worried about getting a bad name for myself, i'm not in the habit of stitching people up. What troubled me was he seemed to think it was the smartest thing he'd done since learning to lift the lid before taking a pee in the toilet. If he'd shown one iota of remorse or guilt [or even just kept his big mouth shut] then i wouldn't have put this thread on here. I'm not naive enough to believe this doesn't happen anywhere else, but i do believe whoever else does this kind of thing is at least smart enough not to boast about it.

Like you say, he may well drop himself in the kack at a later date, my concern is what will he be shooting next and what with?

I haven't reported this and i'm not likely to, what i will do is speak to a few mates and try and persuade them that it's not in their best interest to have him come along in future. I might just post his name and address so you guys can send him some special "truffles".

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