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reading the news from kibworth on here took me back to a grim thing that i saw before christmas.


on my way to work in the dark on a monday morning, got to the yard, did what was needed at the yard and left about half an hour later to head for site, by which time it was starting to get light.


as i pulled out the yard i saw a few people who i knew stud looking into the wood opposite the yard. so i stopped to ask what was going on.


one of the lads just pointed into the woods,


about 10 yards in someone had took there life. it was a very disturbing site.


it played on my mind for a good few days after. i new the chap, not very well,but we worked together for a short time.


i also know the chap who found the body. i think he struggled with what he saw for a good few weeks after.


has anyone else been unlucky enough to experience this type of thing.

Edited by 6shot
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reading the news from kibworth on here took me back to a grim thing that i saw before christmas.


on my way to work in the dark on a monday morning, got to the yard, did what was needed at the yard and left about half an hour later to head for site, by which time it was starting to get light.


as i pulled out the yard i saw a few people who i knew stud looking into the wood opposite the yard. so i stopped to ask what was going on.


one of the lads just pointed into the woods,


about 10 yards in someone had took there life. it was a very disturbing site.


it played on my mind for a good few days after. i new the chap, not very well,but we worked together for a short time.


i know the chap who found the body. i think he struggled with what he saw for a good few weeks after.


has anyone else been unlucky enough to experience this type of thing.


I was not the finder but my best mates brother hanged himself outside their house ....... an accident! I can remember us group of kids all just staring in silence at his body hanging there until the police etc arrived. That image haunted me for years as a kid.


I found a dead body in the road (a cyclist who broke his neck on a lamp post at the bottom a very steep hill) on the way to my driving test!


I did not see this one at all but it has affected me, a chap I knew died by tripping with his own loaded shotgun with the safety off. worked all his life and died a few months into retirement - very sad

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Sadly, I've seen quite a few over the years, hangings, carbon monoxide, drug overdoses and of course the odd shotgun assisted number. None of them pleasant, but by far the hardest thing is then sometimes having to tell the next of kin. The thought when you walk up the garden path that you are about to destroy their world isnt a nice one.

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Its the train drivers I feel for. The sights they must have to deal with...


Anybody within the Flatcoat world may remember the name Patience Lock. A few months after she died in 1980, her husband John ran out from behind a bridge and put his head on the line in front of an oncoming train. The driver said there was a smile on John's face! He had tried to do it about a week before but wasn't quick enough.

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Was out lamping last year and on the way back i came across a car in a stream.I tried to help the young lass that was in it but she died just before the ambulance got there.


Also last year a boy racer tried to turn a 90 degree corner at about 80 mpg and went airborne and hit a lamp post :angry: I went running over to find his lower half of his bod in the drivers side and the upper in the passenger side :( The car was only about 4-5 inches from touching front and back wrapped around the lamp post...not a pretty site..

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Anybody within the Flatcoat world may remember the name Patience Lock. A few months after she died in 1980, her husband John ran out from behind a bridge and put his head on the line in front of an oncoming train. The driver said there was a smile on John's face! He had tried to do it about a week before but wasn't quick enough.

A driver would never get over the like of that,truly shocking,I know of a driver of a bin lorry who reversed over a we girl and he never got over the shock of it,her head came off,a beautiful we girl too,I seen a body floating in a river one morning,took me a while before I could eat properly again.couldn't stop thinking of that person for a while.could go on for a couple more...

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