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A bit of general advice


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I'm currently shooting over about 5 acres of land, 1 of mine and 4 of my neighbors. The land is plagued by rabbits and the odd woody turns up too.

I optimistically asked a FEO to clear it for 22lf which he refused, stating it was to small an area and lack of back drops, with ricochets being a potential problem.


I then suggested a .17hmr even stating I would be happy with a high chair condition (although I'm not sure these are ever added to a rimfire FAC) he still refused. I contacted BASC and they really wasn't a lot of help.


I'm currently using a hushpower .410 with some success but as soon as you get one the others run off.


I've had a airarms 410 before but due to the cost I don't really wan't to go down the route of air rifle or FAC air rifle.


I'm also trying the local farmers to see if they will give me permission to shoot, but so far no joy.


What do you think I should do? Keep trying local farms to get my FAC, give up and get a air rifle or just keep with my .410, although this isn't really making a decent dent on there numbers.


Any suggestions are welcome.





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You wont ever get a FAC on that size of land parcel so you will need to seek other land. Even with an FAC rabbits very quickly learn what the smack of a subsonic rifle bullet connecting is and dissapear just as fast. The hide and decent air rifle is a good way forward for the time being, head shoot them with .177s. A moderated (silenced) PCP should give you 50 yards or so and repeat target opportunities as the smack is not as loud.



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As you have found out (and probably what our firearms team told you) unless the land is suitable you will not get it passed on your first application for a 'closed' ticket' If you had an open ticket however you could shoot there, as the police feel that you have learned the safe use of a firearm during your first few years with a closed ticket and off you go.


You will need to find a better piece of land, or a piece of land that has already been cleared, if you want to apply for and be granted a FAC.


I would caution about going for a 'high seat condition'. If you get this it would most likely be a condition for that rifle, so where ever you went with that rifle you would have to use a high seat!


Best wishes



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As you have found out (and probably what our firearms team told you) unless the land is suitable you will not get it passed on your first application for a 'closed' ticket' If you had an open ticket however you could shoot there, as the police feel that you have learned the safe use of a firearm during your first few years with a closed ticket and off you go.


You will need to find a better piece of land, or a piece of land that has already been cleared, if you want to apply for and be granted a FAC.


I would caution about going for a 'high seat condition'. If you get this it would most likely be a condition for that rifle, so where ever you went with that rifle you would have to use a high seat!

Best wishes





and you would be ******** if you suffered from vertigo. ???

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on your land just lamp it with a normal legal power air gun and you'll dent the rabbit population. However the essence of the post is you want your FAC and don't have land to get it on hence trying to get this land cleared. Sadly there is no easy answer to this one you do need suitable land before applying again

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Even if you get other land and get your FAC granted, you'd prob not be able to shoot this 5 acre parcel. As mentioned earlier, you'd need an open ticket before you could shoot this ground if your FEO isn't willing to clear it and most forces won't issue these on grant (usually minimum 12 months or "on renewal").

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I'm pretty sure you covered this but just in case. Was the FEO aware that you were treating the land as a whole, it's possible he was concerned about bullets leaving your boundary and on to the neighbouring land, which from what you're saying you have permission to shoot anyway.


I can use my shotgun in my garden as I have the farmer's permission to shoot on the land that surrounds my garden, so I'm covered for any shot that leaves my boundary.


Could always try and apply for FAC Air instead but if he still won't go for it, buy/borrow some ferrets.

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