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National Pigeon shoot day

Guest rimotu66

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Guest rimotu66

Has anyone else heard of this ? I heard about it on our walk about clear up day but couldnt attend as I was on shift today, apparently it was set up by the Farmers Union and supposed to take place across the country today, our shoot put out 6 guns to keep them moving but just wondered if anyone else did the same?

I did a google search but all I got was some ****** in NewYork celebrating flying rats :lol:

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Has anyone else heard of this ? I heard about it on our walk about clear up day but couldnt attend as I was on shift today, apparently it was set up by the Farmers Union and supposed to take place across the country today, our shoot put out 6 guns to keep them moving but just wondered if anyone else did the same?

I did a google search but all I got was some ****** in NewYork celebrating flying rats :lol:


Your correct I do belive but the sad fact is that very few shooters can gain the permission to go any more.


Before my day dad always said that nearly ever spinney or wood would have a shooter in it for the first two sats in febuary.


Reghards OTH

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not me, never bought a lottery ticket in my life, wouldnt want to win that much money





Its mostly the large estates that run sort of organized roost shooting in Feb


Vermin shooting in the morning follwed by roost shooting in the afternoon. Total of 26 guns out on my local. If it is organized and the areas are boxed off it can bring good results.


It used to be great all throughout Feb, but nowadays it tails off after the second saturday as not many go....

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Its mostly the large estates that run sort of organized roost shooting in Feb


Vermin shooting in the morning follwed by roost shooting in the afternoon. Total of 26 guns out on my local. If it is organized and the areas are boxed off it can bring good results.


It used to be great all throughout Feb, but nowadays it tails off after the second saturday as not many go....



I thought I saw it mentioned in shooting times a while back but I guess it is dying out because it is harder to get permission to shoot. the NFU could help themselves more by liasing with websites like this and advertising it, better still get a national list of farmers wanting like minded individuals willing to spend hours in the cold in pursuit of the odd of pigeon or two. Where do I sign up? Ironically there is a farming forum where occasionally the odd farmer posts about being plagued by pigeons usually based in norfolk. it is a pity that there is no reciprocal invites between the sites. Maybe BASC could have some input?

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When i was a wee lady ma old man used to organise pigeon days through feb and that had something to do with NFU,and in they days the winters where harder and not as much rape about more sprouts and turnips,and a lot more doos about in this area.
verminator 69 you were never a wee lady :hmm: no that a ken o anyway did the op hurt :hmm: spell check to right corner m8 :hmm::lol::|:lol::lol: did you have pink wellies ?




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i was told years ago that every friday in february was roost shooting time, my dad and his friend use to go on our permission and the neighbouring estates were always had plenty of guns (beaters) out, alot of them still do it, i think scarborough woodpigeon club organise roost shooting near where i go, there seems to be alot of shooting from all around on a friday from about half 3 till dark, every friday in feb and 1st friday in march.

theres not many pigeons about atm though

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I've been roost shooting on the first 3 Saturdays after the Pheasant etc season closes for nearly 30 years, started when I was 8, with a single barrel hammer 410, with my old man on the shoots where he was a syndicate member.


I've always known it as national pigeon day..... roll on Saturday wind, wind, need more wind.

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