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When was your first fox?


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Just wondering when everyone shot there first fox. That is if you can remember when it was and what you shot it with? :good:


My first fox was in my Grannies bed. I said, 'What big eyes you've got!' and it said, 'All the better to see you with'.

Then I said, 'What big ears you've got!', and it said, 'All the better to hear you with', and smiled.

'OOOH!', I said, 'And what big teeth you've got!'

And the Fox said, 'ALL THE BETTER TO EAT YOU WITH !!' and jumped out of the bed ............... and I shot it.


Or was that a wolf? I forget now, it was a long time ago ........zzzzz

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About 20 years ago, when I had my first 223.


I was sat in a tree hide at dusk, watching a nearby wood and squeaking every 5 minutes.


Just when I was thinking of giving up I heard a noise underneath, and there was a fox looking upwards.


With shaking hands I pointed the Sako at the fox (all I could see was this enormous head in the gloom); pulled the trigger and down it went. To this day I cannot understand why the fox did not bolt.


I was so excited that I knocked on the farmers door at 11 o'clock and he came to see who it was (he had been asleep). Luckily he did not give me a rollocking.


I still have the picture that I took the following day in the daylight, of the fox with 223 alongside.



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About 30yrs ago,it was stalking a cock pheasant in a release pen didn't see me standing behind a tree.I stepped out and shot it right in the chest at about 10yds.After about 20 mins and a lot of poking with a long stick to make sure it was dead i picked it up put it acroos my shoulders and marched of home to show my dad.I was about 2 miles from home,by the time i got home i was smelling rather sweet of dog fox.I knocked on the door as hard as i could,when my dad opened it before i could say look what i got he said YOU STINK CHUCK THAT THING IN THE FIELD GET YOUR CLOTHES OFF ON THE DOOR STEP AND GET IN THE BATH.It was the middle of winter and theres me with my pride deflaited standing on the back door step in my undies.He still laughs about it know :good:

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Was 15 years ago when I was just 11 (can still remember it as though it was yesterday). We were hunting out a strip of gorse with the hounds when Charlie stepped out of the cover about 80 yards from me, he started walking to my left so I had to sneak through the rushes to intercept him. I got within about 35 yards and he caught my wind and looked round at me, so I quickly lifted the gun and give him a no.2 to the chest, he went down but wasn't dead and I was so determined to get him I put a no.6 in the gun walked up to about 10 yards away and let him have it. My father still winds me up about giving the fox the 2nd shot from so close as he was watching this all unfold from close by. It was a proud day for me though.

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My first was when I was about 16, stood on a ride on a pheasant drive. I saw him sulk through the trees towards me, disappear into the ditch in front then emeged no more than ten metres away, totally safe shot as no one was either side of me. I remember shaking as I gave him both barrels with my 20 bore and he dropped stone dead, and the rush of adrenaline was mind blowing! Shot him through the head and remember being the happiest guy on the planet as I carried it down at the end of the drive to show everyone :good:

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I shot my first fox when I was 10 years old with my first 12 bore which was a Perfex 3 shot auto :good:

It was on a small sheep farm just down the road from my home and it was getting into the lambing season and the farmer asked to to pin a dog fox off that had been walking through the field for the past few days so I sat out until it was dark and I had just gave up when the barn light came on and walking straight towards me was a nice big dog fox.


Bang and it dropped straight down after being hit by an Eley Alphamax BB :yes:

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I can remember shooting my first fox as if it was yesterday! It was back in April 1968, just a few weeks before I joined the army at 17 years old. I was working as a poultryman on a farm in Gloucestershire at the time and I was allowed to shoot my shotgun for rabbits whenever I wasn't working. I went out with the shotty one evening for a short walk and came across an old dog fox sniffing around behind one of the deep litter houses so I let him have both barrels of my Robert. S. Garden SbS 16 Bore from about 25 yards. (That gun was one of the nicest shot guns I have ever handled) I don't remember what shot size I was using but I suspect that it was 6 shot as I was out for a few rabbits for the pot but I do remember that he dropped like a stone and stank to high heaven!


Like I said, I can remember it just as if it was yesterday but if you asked me about a fox I shot last month I doubt if I could recall anywhere near as many details.

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