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Own up then, who did it

Ozzy Fudd

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Israel, now there's a country with balls.


Tracking down terrorists who have kidnapped and killed their soldiers and putting a taser on their forehead then strangling them.


You've got to admire their no nonsense approach.


We would of let them become a UK resident and then been unable to prosecute them in case we infringed their human rights.


This is all happening in the background of Iran trying to get nuclear weapons.


More to follow?



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This is a crazy story. What I think is strange is how the police have done a **** PowerPoint presentation on how the assassination took place and they've just come out and said they're all British.


Has anyone seen the photos? They're all wearing glasses so the British passports wouldn't have been approved, especially the ones with the frames covering eyes and the one with glare in the lenses of his glasses.


If it was Mossad, why would they use British passports? We are their allies so it doesn't make sense that they would try and implicate us.


Definitely more to come here.

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