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A few more bunnies for the pot and some new land :-)


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Just thought i would share the news that I/we just aquired about another 10+ acres of land in monmouth and it has proved to me that land is around for the taking, but due to the nature of some people and how they behave farmers/landowners are very very reluctant to offer it out to new faces.


A friend of ours aquired some land a few months ago via a will and asked us to pop out and have a look and if needs be clear up some of the bunnies that live there ;) no problem at all.


On arriving the land was neglected and overgrown so after half a day thrashing back the hedges and clearing up a bit for him we got talking to one of the locals who pointed out one of his fields right next to the one we was working in and told us to feel free to thrash back his hedges as well :lol: NOW some people would have just laughed and said "yeah ok got enough to do over here" BUT we decided as the day was nice and the weather fairly warm to go and do it for him :yes: anyway we had a few more hours at it and left...no sign of the other guy anywhere :oops:


On our return on Saturday to do a little ferreting along came the same guy and stated " good job last week boys I thought you would be the same as the last lot of timewasters out here :look: " on further investigation he reveiled that 3 boys had approached him some weeks earlier and asked to shoot his land he said yes and they took the pi%% leaving 12g shells and rubbish all over the place along with dead animals to say the least he told them to :mad: :mad: :good:


Now I have been brought up to beleive that treat and talk to others as you would like to be spoken to :yes: as a result of our hard work ;) and manners he said we where more than welcome to shoot his field adjasent to the one our mate owns along with the other surrounding 6 fields and the 2 sloped fields below his house complete with woodland :yp: :yp: ;) RESULT.


After a bit more thrashing about in the undergrowth :P we decided to have a look at an old stone wall that had alot of scratching along the edge of it so out came the ferrets and the results are below for about an hour or two of ferriting :P


To say we are looking forward to returning the coming days are an understatement there are rabbit earths everywhere and a very big hole at the bottom of one of the fields that looks like a fox set but that will come a bit later ....CANT BLOODY WAIT :yes:


Hope you like the piccys I will try to get some of the land up on here when we return later in the week :yes:


Happy hunting all from one very happy shooter





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Just thought i would share the news that I/we just aquired about another 10+ acres of land in monmouth and it has proved to me that land is around for the taking, but due to the nature of some people and how they behave farmers/landowners are very very reluctant to offer it out to new faces.


Quality post but that really sums up the reason some struggle.


Great pics and well done OTH

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