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FEO Tomorrow, hopefully for the 2nd time, but..


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Guys, feo coming out tomorrow AGAIN, as he failed to show 2 weeks ago. But I have a bit off a conundrum. I applied for a .22 rimfire and a .223 centrefire, but ive lookad and done some research on the .22 and have decided to change my mind and go for a .17. Does anyone know whether the feo could change this for me when he comes to visit, or am i too late.

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Actually thats what i was or near enough what i was planning to say and that the bunnies were to be fed to the dog, which they will be, ricochets was the main reason for changing my mind, moderators were applied for on original application.

Edited by mayfly36
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Why dont you ask him for a .22LR .17HMR. & a 223CF .22lr lamping, .17HMR day time longer range rabbit control & .223CF foxing rifle job done.

because judging by their reputation, they would look at you like you've two heads, and you may end up getting nothing



good luck btw mate :yes:

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copied from BASC website


Northern Ireland:


The following may not be shot on Sundays or on Christmas Day, under the Wildlife Order NI, the Game Preservation (Amendment) Act (NI) 2002, the Wildlife Order as amended and game act 1831, etc


Pest birds

Game in season




Mammalian pest control ie foxes and small vermin (rat, mouse, grey squirrel etc) there is no prohibiton on Sundays.



Odd that, I'm fairly sure that rabbits can be taken with a high capacity shotgun (therefore not game) but then they can't be taken on sundays (like game) :yes:

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copied from BASC website


Northern Ireland:


The following may not be shot on Sundays or on Christmas Day, under the Wildlife Order NI, the Game Preservation (Amendment) Act (NI) 2002, the Wildlife Order as amended and game act 1831, etc


Pest birds

Game in season




Mammalian pest control ie foxes and small vermin (rat, mouse, grey squirrel etc) there is no prohibiton on Sundays.



Odd that, I'm fairly sure that rabbits can be taken with a high capacity shotgun (therefore not game) but then they can't be taken on sundays (like game) :yes:


Well we'll not get into it again, but my interpretation from a previous discussion is that rabbits aren't classed as game. Especially if you were to claim destruction of crops...

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Well we'll not get into it again, but my interpretation from a previous discussion is that rabbits aren't classed as game. Especially if you were to claim destruction of crops...


no were not saying they are game, but some of the rules that apply to game apply to them too, weird :hmm:


HO NO NOT THAT ONE AGAIN :yes: :yes: :/ :o :P:hmm:


well what can i say? theres just something sticking in mymind about shooting over here at night that always has me wondering, can never remember it though. having said that i have to go read my fac everytime theres a discussion on open licences on here, just to convince myself i do have one :hmm:



anyway, i think weve derailed this on mayfly enough, good luck tomorrow mate, let me know how you get on :yes:

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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Things went ok, i hope, had to give info on past etc, how long ive had shotgun license, any other convictions etc, road offences, so looks like its gonna be another 3 months before i hear anything thats going by what was said by the feo as it DOES go back to the head bucko to look over and make the decision. Im not feeling too confident to be honest as i had my permit revoked 12 years ago and have had it back only over a year now, but saying that ive had 2 shotguns within 3 months off receiving it back. So this shouldnt be a issue, although they are rifles as such that ive applied for. No questions were asked about why i wanted the calibres, NOTHING AT ALL which dosent add up at all.

Edited by mayfly36
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