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As comical as we normaly think this is, my heart goes out to these poor lads. What a thing to have to live with. I swear at the wife all the time, so i might get tested. :yes: Its difficult viewing watching that small lad.

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I thinks it's quite sad, but it's nice the young lad gets the help and understanding he needs. Very sad condition but you have to laugh about it. I knew a lad with tourettes, he just blinked a lot. Nice lad and is still the first to take the out of himself

Edited by Axe
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A topic on the TV about Tourette's Syndrome does not give members a passport to abuse the forum rules.


You have been warned.


Axe chill out , it was a light hearted bit of humour , which you have missed by a mile . Sorry that you have never been hit with the humour stick .


I have a mate called Mark with tourette's and when he's on a "good" day and not depressed as hell , he would have laughed at the humour posted on here . **************



all the best yis yp :yp:

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A few years back there was another documentary on this subject, and one of the sufferers chose to make it a specialist topic for study, working up to a degree. He was an amazing character, in similar ways to the two today. So capable, and having to live with that all the time.


He got his degree, quite a sight to see him in cap & gown among all the other graduates, hoping his ticks and swearing would not get too much on the day. That program woke me up to just how bad it really is, till then I just thought it was just something to do with uncontrollable swearing.

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Axe chill out , it was a light hearted bit of humour , which you have missed by a mile . Sorry that you have never been hit with the humour stick .


I have a mate called Mark with tourette's and when he's on a "good" day and not depressed as hell , he would have laughed at the humour posted on here . **************



all the best yis yp :look:


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I must confess to laughing my head off at some of the things that John comes out with. It must be a hard thing to live with and i think the majority of people are laughing at the condition, not the person. Its amazing to see how quick the mind can work to say something it knows is inappropriate and out of order. I think my favourite had to be;


John's mate Chopper, speaking very sincerely to camera -


"Finding a partner when you're 40 is hard enough but when you've got our condition its next to impossible. I really hope John finds someone soon. (less than a 1 second pause) ANOTHER GAY MAN!!!" :yp:



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