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hmr vs wmr


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well guys i spent most of the day with rapid rich of here trying out or rifles with a variety of ammo.i recently bought a hmr after everyone saying the wmr was a calibre of the past.well all i can say is there`s dam all wrong with the wmr. the hmr may be more accurate but boy does the wmr hit hard.i`m still a big believer in either gun will do the job if you learn your trajectory. i do believe the flatter style of the hmr wins more fans. i definitely would n`t say the wmr is a thing of the past. just my two pennys worth after a good field trial :blush:

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glensman i`m not saying the wmr is superior but it`s every bit as good. as for folk taking foxes out to 100 with hmr i think it`s a bit hit or miss. anything beneath fox the hmr would be the tool. you want more knockdown definitely the wmr is the way to go. different tools for different jobs. just don`t think the wmr gets the publicity it deserves

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I have .22lr, HMR and WMR, they all have their uses but as I have said before I get a great feeling of confidence walking around with the WMR.


It does not have the trajectory of the HMR (Quite) but as someone else said, with the 30g V-Max it is getting pretty close, and it hits a lot harder than HMR.


I have been to visit my lad this weekend (still here actually) and bought 500 CCI 40g Maxi mag WMR on Saturday from his local RFD, listed at £125, did the deal at £100, and it is fresh stock, as I used up the last of his old stock about 6 weeks ago! :D :unsure: Yes, the WMR does tend to be a bit cheaper than HMR!


The WMR went out of favour with the introduction of the HMR, but it is not the new messiah, people are now slowly but steadily turning to the WMR again, and CCI offer a wider choice of WMR ammo than HMR.



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I was told HMR is the way to go, so went and got one, to be honest i felt for what i needed .22lr was more than capable as i dont need the range as much. So when i was selling my .17hmr i was faced with the desicion, try for CF or get a WMR on my ticket. After reading a fair amount on this website and others, also speaking to my RFD i have had WMR put on my ticket. A few reasons, main one being its still a rimfire so there was no problems in getting it but i am rather looking forward 2 using it for foxing with the new ammo now available.

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to my mind the WMR is fine but you really need to ignore the use for fox in the debate. As a rabbit / vermin gun both have enough punch and you really don't need any more, I like the flat trajectory of the HMR especially for magpies and rooks which they seem to excell at. Fox wise you really need a centre fire so though both will do the job they won't do it as well. I mean we even had one trying to crawl off the other day after a good hit with a .243 and large bits of it missing you just get more leeway with a centrefire than a rimfire.

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