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RFDfd to RFD charges

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Right i have been into my local gun shop and asked about RFD to RFD charges and it basically £25 for the RFD charge the on a secondhand gun there is the delivery charge by TNT £20 / £25 . on new guns the shops can swallow up the cost of the delivery in the sale ..........does this all sound about right

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or simply running a business :o

wouldn't mind but the next closest charges £20 and does all the police notifications..............and seem nice and friendly. :lol:

local rfd does nothing except sign for the gun and sign your cert. and be an ar*e about it because you haven't bought

the same gun from them, although they want £350 more than you can buy it for from another dealer

including getting it sent to them, and they had the gun in the rack (and its still there). ;)


maybe i'm just not a fan of my local rfd, even though i did try and support them.


see you've got me on my soapbox now :good:


be nice to earn £25 for 3 minutes work and not even have to be polite with it..................

they're luck people dont have as much choice as other trades, i'm sure if i run my business like that i'd either need a captive audience or soon be on the streets.

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If it's cheaper than the fuel and your time, what's the problem? I bought my gun off a chap on here and he was north of Glasgow! Admittedly he paid the postage and wrapping costs (about £40 IIRC) but even if I had had to pay the full £65 it was still better than going up there to get it, and cheaper than I could find one locally for!

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wouldn't mind but the next closest charges £20 and does all the police notifications..............and seem nice and friendly. ;)

local rfd does nothing except sign for the gun and sign your cert. and be an ar*e about it because you haven't bought

the same gun from them, although they want £350 more than you can buy it for from another dealer

including getting it sent to them, and they had the gun in the rack (and its still there). :o


maybe i'm just not a fan of my local rfd, even though i did try and support them.


see you've got me on my soapbox now :good:


be nice to earn £25 for 3 minutes work and not even have to be polite with it..................

they're luck people dont have as much choice as other trades, i'm sure if i run my business like that i'd either need a captive audience or soon be on the streets.



its not quite that simple the £25 is including VAT knock that off and you get down to £21 then knock off corporation tax and it comes down to about £17.50 and thats before you account for any overheads, they also have to notify the police and sign it onto your ticket so its not quite as straight forward as at first it seems and then there is the feeling that if you've a gun the same sat in your racks that you're not selling that one because your customer is getting one from the other end of the country. Personally if i was an RFD I'm not sure I'd want to do them at all

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Phil Webster in Attleborough.


I've sent a couple of guns from him both at about £18 just for the postage, and didn't charge me for handling etc.


I received a gun from him aswell, and he did it for free.


I can't sing his praises enough, he's a great chap.

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mine charges £15 to send one and the same to receive one and put on my ticket




Same here.


Portsmouth Gun Center charged me £15 to send a gun (I had to package it)


I did phone Town & Country Sports in Botley, they wanted £40 :oops: , when I asked, ''why is it that much as Portsmouth guns will do it for £15?'', I got told '' go and f-ing use them then'' then hung up :hmm:


No more custom from me Town & Grumpy Sports :lol:

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