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My first trip


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Went ferreting near Faversham with 3 experienced ferreter's this morning. I have been trying to get in on a professional set up for ages, so was well chuffed when I got an invite.

Had a brilliant day with them which started in the car park when one bod turned up and didn't have his camo on. So the others started on him and didn't let up until we finished at 1-00pm. Nice as that took the pressure off me :lol:

We covered an area of about 8 x 100 mtrs, all old woodland, covered with holes to the point that it was dodgy to walk on, with rabbit fencing either side of it.

They had one patterdale to mark, 3 jill albino's and 4 of this years polecats (nasty little *******) but more of them later.

First bury to net consisted of Patterdale dissapearing, except for it's tail, down a hole, luckily, it was still leashed and we were able to haul the bitch out! 'Right thats a definite then is it Sophie' so nets were handed out and I was instructed how to lay a purse net correctly.

A few minutes passed and then a scut hit a net at warp speed, bod on it straight away, one foot placed in the hole in case there was another and I put a net over it as he moved away to dispatch. We had two more from that bury and then moved on. So far so good I thought to myself as we netted the next lot that Sophie marked. Then it went tits up for me.

As the new boy I lay nets everywhere generally making myself as usefull as I could. They entered two ferrets for this lot as it was a bigger bury and I waited watching over 5 holes. Then I heard '*****' shouted as a scut dissapeared out of view. Turned out that one of the holes I netted had two holes next to each other and scut escaped with ease.

No one critised me, just took the mickey as I lay every net from there on :*)

By the end of the day we had 16 scuts, 1 mixy and a bloody good laugh.

I lost two scuts in not getting to holes in time and another bod lost 5, which was nice for me :lol:

I have been invited back next week and I can't bloody wait to get back out there!

If you have never been before, I can highly recommend it, although you will be lucky to have the company of old boys like I did.


Oh, forgot to tell you about the polecats, well I will tell you next time.





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