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Do you have to stop for the unmarked Police car ?


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Apologies if been covered before.


Has anyone noticed the increase of unmarked Police cars ?


So your bumbling along minding your own business and you get a Black Vectra that appears to have Blue flashing concealed strobes in the front grill, the occupants appear not to be wearing a Police uniform, you have your guns on board..Do you have to stop by law ?


Maybe an urban myth but I was told you don't have to stop unless it's a marked car, one for the better legally informed I suspect.



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I think you would be on sticky ground, the likelehood of of you being held up and robbed by by crooks disguised as police only washed on the st valentines day massacre.


I think I would stop, if you were being cases you would have noticed it on the farm I would have thought.

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Assuming that you have guns in the car.


Keep driving, telephone the police, preferably with the registration number of the vehicle.

The Police will soon advise if the stop is genuine.


How are you to know that you have not been observed by criminals.


Without going into finite detail on an open forum, there are schemes in place to prevent certain goods in transit being hijacked.



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If you don't stop for them, they will probably take action. Flash the hazards and acknowledge you have seen them and then continue to drive to the nearest police station.

Phone them whilst you are driving, hands free of course, and check with the area control room.

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I think you would be on sticky ground, the likelehood of of you being held up and robbed by by crooks disguised as police only washed on the st valentines day massacre.


I think I would stop, if you were being cases you would have noticed it on the farm I would have thought.


I remember a story on here a while ago about someone spending a few hours out on the pigeons and being watched then being pulled over by a convoy of unmarked cars for a training exercise on his way home :blush:

Edited by Shuck.
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Assuming that you have guns in the car.


Keep driving, telephone the police, preferably with the registration number of the vehicle.

The Police will soon advise if the stop is genuine.


How are you to know that you have not been observed by criminals.


Without going into finite detail on an open forum, there are schemes in place to prevent certain goods in transit being hijacked.




I would be interested to hear those off line.. :blush:

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I think also you will find the amount of "Shunt" crimes have gone through the roof lately, I wouldn't stop for an unmarked car personally but call 999, and get them to do a confirmed stop..It will give the ARV's a bit of practice.. :blush:

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the motorways are full of unmarked police cars on traffic duty pulling speeding motorists,it,s illegal for members of the public to have blue lights fitted to there cars.i,ve seen some unmarked police cars with a red neon sign fitted in the rear window that they can light up saying police stop.

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I did say in my OP that they appear to not be in uniform.


Many Police on special ops where civvies, however what is a "marked" car by definition ?


I assume reading between the lines on Bagsy's link if it has a flashing "Police" sign in the back that's marked ?, I dunno I will send an email to Essex Police and try to find out, I am sure somewhere in the PACE guidelines it must say... :blush:

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It's classed as 'marked' if it has 'markings'. If it's 'easily identifiable' as a Police car, ie. has the word 'police' written on it, reflective strips/battenberg, crest etc then thats marked.

If in doubt, as said before, call 999. And no you wont get done for using your phone, it's allowed. They will confirm that it's genuine but you will probably get a marked car behind you before you get an answer, as the unmarked will have already called it in.

Whatever you do...dont floor it... unless of course you're 100% that it's not the police!

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I would drive to the nearest open police which around here after 1800 is one of the divisional HQ's, which would probably take up about an hour of their time, meanwhile leaving other innocent motorists alone. If everybody did this they would soon stop hassling folk for minor stuff


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it,s illegal for members of the public to have blue lights fitted to there cars.i,ve seen some unmarked police cars with a red neon sign fitted in the rear window that they can light up saying police stop.


Ehh it's also illegal to pull over members of the public and impersonating a police officer but I guess that wont stop criminals :blush:

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