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Please can we be a little less paranoid and more welcoming, when someone posts for the first time.


The fact that their question/comment may be unusual, doesn't automatically make them "an Anti".


Not filling in their "location" also isn't a reason to treat them suspiciously, many long term members still haven't completed that section on their profile.


The recent posting by "visa bot" and some of the comments that followed, is a good example.


If someone ultimately proves that they don't deserve the opportunity to be among such worthy Sportspeople as our goodselves, we will remove them.

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Thanks Axe :D


Theres been that many deleted threads recentley that i thought this was one of them.


Had Judith had a bit more forum experience i'm sure she would had addressed the topic by a different name which has probably caused the sceptism thats being discussed here.


I did'nt see anything wrong in this thread however has it had a good balance and the out come was positive as well ..............albeit a couple of hours after this thread was posted.


I cut newcomers alot of slack but some of the threads in the Airgunners section by newcomers recently are beyond belief and it's hard not to treat as such with the comtempt they deserve.


I will try harder Cranfield :)





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the location bit seems to be very important to some people on here but as visa bot pointed out nothing tells you this when you register. It took me a few days to realise mine was blank and then had a quick search to fill it in.


Remember guys there is nothing to stop someone lying about their location so it is no guarantee they are genuine.


Just a relatively newbies point of view.

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