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Laser eye correction


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Im off to Optical Express on the 5th of May to have a consultation to see if im eligible laser surgery, currently my right eye is -3.5 and my left is -.25 so hopefully they will be able to help me out so i might actually be able to hit something without my glasses on :yes:


Have anyone or do you know of anyone having it done and was it a success?


Thanks Matt

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Hi Matt,

I had laser surgery in September 2000. I went to Ultralase in Leeds to have my op on recommendation of a shooting friend who'd had it done there. My prescription was -6.5 in my left eye and -5.5 in my right with astigmatisms in both. My shooting glasses were like milk bottle bottoms.


Prior to the op I couldn't see clearly much more than a foot from my face without glasses, getting up from the operating table I could read the fire exit sign above the door - brilliant!


My eyes have drifted a little and although my optician says they're fine to drive without glasses I wouldn't be comfortable doing it and so I now wear varifocals that's due to my age and the prescription for distance is now -1.00 and -0.75.


Please don't go just for the cheapest price as it is cheap for a reason. Go on recommendation and do plenty of research there are laser surgery forums created by patients that are worth careful reading. You might discover that the particular branch of Optical Express you're considering has good or bad reports made by people who've had treatment there.


There are plenty of people out there who've had bad experiences and there are also plenty who's live have been altered dramatically for the better, I think I'm one of them. People have told me that my op was a failure because I'm still wearing glasses but I went into the op with my eyes wide open (excuse pun) and knew there was no guarantee that I'd come out with perfect vision. I do know that it has transformed my daily life and I've hit heights with my shooting that I never expected to.



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Had it done 12 days ago Matt, at Ultralase in Chelmsford. I'm still in the settling down period and so far i've had 2 days where my left eye was blurry.

Night vision is slightly off at the moment, street lights and headlights are a tad 'starry' and got some halos but apparently this is normal and can take up to 6-8 weeks to settle completely.

Other than that it's like someone's polished the world!! Fantastic!!

A little painful when they put pressure on your eye prior to the actual laser firing but nothing to write home about.

As has been said....do your research...I went with possibly the most expensive company because about 40 of my colleagues have been there!

My prescription was low...only about -1.5 & -2 I think but the astigmatism was the problem.

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Centre for sight in East Grinsted and no it didn't - did'nt feel a thing. Took 10 minutes and had 20/20 vision within 30 mins. My eyes were -5.5 and -5 before now they're -0.5 and 0


Centre for Sight

seriously thinking about having it done,i have seen ultralase now do ultra elite supposed to be like high definition ,could be just a gimmick though,my prescription is -2.75 for both eyes but have astigmatism in both eyes,will look at the centre for sight cheers mate

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Had it done 12 days ago Matt, at Ultralase in Chelmsford. I'm still in the settling down period and so far i've had 2 days where my left eye was blurry.

Night vision is slightly off at the moment, street lights and headlights are a tad 'starry' and got some halos but apparently this is normal and can take up to 6-8 weeks to settle completely.

Other than that it's like someone's polished the world!! Fantastic!!

A little painful when they put pressure on your eye prior to the actual laser firing but nothing to write home about.

As has been said....do your research...I went with possibly the most expensive company because about 40 of my colleagues have been there!

My prescription was low...only about -1.5 & -2 I think but the astigmatism was the problem.

what procedure did you have done ?

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Had mine done almost a year ago to this day, I went to Optical Express on the recommendation of two friends.

The day itself was a nightmare looking back (excuse the pun) but that was becuase I had a hideous train journey home on a mega sunny day.

My last checkup my eyes were 6/4 which is 2 stages better than 6/6 (20/20) in others words the bottom line on the last chart

I was 1.75 and 2.0 before I went for Intralase with Wavefront and paid £2,300 - after 20+ years of contact lenses, it was money well spent for me.

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I went here 2 years ago: http://www.advancevisioncare.co.uk/index.php on the advice of two work colleagues. Its in Harley Street and the top man himself did the job. I had the full works including "wavefront" and paid about £3k. Not the cheapest but certainly not the most expensive, as has been said don't be fooled by the "from £450" adverts. They even chuck in a free overnight stay in a decent London hotel so you can go back the next day for a check. The whole experience is as you would expect fom Harley Street, you are treated like a king. Also included are check ups after 1,3, 6 and 12 months which you can have done at an optician local to you that they have approved.

The procedure and recovery is not painful, if fact nothing more than 'uncomfortable' and I have to say that it has changed my life. I am 20:20 in one eye and better than that (20:15) in the other. Go for it.

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Had mine done in September last year at Optimax in Reading. There was a half price offer at the time, so paid about £2k, interest free over two years. Have to say it's the best money I've ever spent, can now shoot without glasses. Do your research, they do take a few weeks to settle down, but the procedure is pretty much painless, maybe a little discomfort for the first 24 hours.


Still reach for my glasses in the morning, and then remember I don't wear them anymore.

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