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I will never get on trains again


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Coming back home from my Orthadontists and some shopping, the girl in front of me decided to throw up all over my shopping bags and it was howling so bad it nearly made me sick. She never even said sorry and her mother didnt give a **** either. Hope they like my shopping luckily there wasnt that much in it.



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This country is full of people who do not know the meaning of politeness. If I were to cough my lunch over someones shopping I would at least say "Excuse me" then offer an explanation for my loss of control,even if it had been drinking heavily. :yes:

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Coming back home from my Orthadontists and some shopping, the girl in front of me decided to throw up all over my shopping bags and it was howling so bad it nearly made me sick. She never even said sorry and her mother didnt give a **** either. Hope they like my shopping luckily there wasnt that much in it.




She was probably dreaming about Mr Toad - aka Nigel Farage from UKIP and it was a subconscious nightmare. Send your dry cleaning bill to Nigel - you will find him in some pub or another in Buckingham where - being the complete **** that he is - he is defying all parliamentary convention and standing against Mr Speaker.


PS - your two labs look tremendous - if you ever want a good day picking up...... :lol::lol:


PPS - hope your teeth get better very soon :good:

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sometimes i love this place - big rough tough hunters, spending our spare time covered in blood, guts and ****, yet a girl throwing up turns our stomachs :yes::good::lol:



You should of been there everybody was trying to stick there head out of the window it was that bad. The train was packed so couldnt move anywhere else


Just annoyed me abit that she or her mother didnt say anything to me, I would of been fine with it but because they didnt say anything it made it look like they didnt care.

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That's unfair. There's a time and place and clearly this was neither.


:lol: i didnt think there was such a thing as a time and place for someone to be sick over your shopping :good:???


You should of been there everybody was trying to stick there head out of the window it was that bad. The train was packed so couldnt move anywhere else


Just annoyed me abit that she or her mother didnt say anything to me, I would of been fine with it but because they didnt say anything it made it look like they didnt care.


you sure it wasnt the fact they were totally scundered by it?? anyway what age of girl are we talking? a 7 yr old that ate too many sweets? a pregnant 16 yr old? or a drunk 22 yr old? (if it was the last one you really missed an opportunity... :yes:)


come on look on the bright side, she could have **** all over you :lol:


:no: :no: :no::hmm:

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You should of been there everybody was trying to stick there head out of the window it was that bad. The train was packed so couldnt move anywhere else


Just annoyed me abit that she or her mother didnt say anything to me, I would of been fine with it but because they didnt say anything it made it look like they didnt care.

Maybe I'm just strange, but I would have become somewhat verbal if I'd been in your place, someone honked all over my stuff and couldn't be bothered to appologise.



Actually, I am strange - I can vomit on command. I wonder what folks would have made of that :good: You barf on my shopping and I'll barf on your lap :lol:

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I know what you mean BFG. That is something that really makes my blood boil when people don't even have the common courtesy to apologise or even express thanks if you've done something decent for them, even if it is a token gesture. I find it very hard to bite my tongue and sometimes it gets the better of me and before I know I've blurted something out. More often thean not it's something like "Oh, don't mention it!" or "You're most welcome!"


I was at a horse & dog show last year down near Rye. The old bint in front of me dropped her programme. I picked it up for her & she didn't say diddley squat, just turned back and carried on talking to the woman in front of her. Before I could contain myself I lent forward and whispered in her ear "You know, when someone does something like that for you, it's only polite to say thank you!"


And trust Woodcock11 to try and bring a simple topic like this in to the realms of party politcal brawl. How anyone can think Nigel Farage is more odeous than John Bercow is astounding. Bercow only has his own interests in mind and not the Country's. Even his own party don't like him.


Sorry for hijacking your thread BFG, but I felt this had to be addressed.

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