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decoying to day


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went out with verminator69 today to one of our perms a bit over cast and a good wind from the westish .spotted some pigeons on some fresh sowns so we set up on the edge of the wood with a rough L shape patter. started slowlay and birds tricled in every 10 to 15 min in groups of 2 to 6 birds with some good shooting and well some not so good :lol::lol: .


allan was shooting with him new semi auto( remington if i remamber correctly i v mind like a gold fish) :lol: and shot well and had some good birds 50 yrds out or so. we both missed some shockers and hit some good ones .the birds came well to the decoys they were flinging them selves at the decoys at times you could see them turn to the decoys from over a mile away any

there were nt hundreds of birds but enough to keep us on our toes but it,s not all about shooting pigeons its about good company you have in the hind and a bit of banter (there was lots of banter btw :lol::P )mostly aimed at me for missing :P:lol: but a great way to spend a saturday shooting and good company and a good laugh what more could you ask for (well apart from another 600 pigeons chucking them selves at the decoys :lol::lol: )


we packed up at 430pm and probably could have shot on till 630pm but allans dinner was calling his gut :lol::lol: and i had to pick up a new dog so we ended with 81 pigeons (think a want a semi auto ) on holiday for a week so i,ll be out again soon :good:




Edited by cocker3
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