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Well, that servered me right.


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Sitting out in the garden having a BBQ with the Girlfriend, she leaves a nice big steak rind left over. Being stuffed I deside to offer the two piece of rind to my three ferrets.


First ferret takes the smallest part, and the second one goes in for the bigger part, I then realise that the smallest ferret wouldn't get any and I better break the rind in half, So I with draw the rind.


Yep, big mistake.


The ferret then lunges after the rind, misses, and bites my finger, misses the finger nail by about 1mm and goes straight through. Yep, needless to say I deserve it.


Fortunatly I'm 7 real ales down at this point so I couldn't care less.

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I found two ferrets tonight, caught one.. friendly little thing, now living in my garage in my sons old rats cage (more like a play pen) Decided to call it "Chutney" ( the VIZ profanisaurus readers here will know what that is) :)

She was blissfully asleep when I got home from the pub and left her that way :yes:


Edit: Will try to trap this one's Sister over next day or so., when safely back together I will probably be looking for a good home for these two, we have two Terriers and I can just see what might happen..... One of the Terriers can move like a ghost ;)

Edited by hyflier
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Caught the sister tonight, both are re-united and seem very happy to be back together. I have new home for them to go to, the gentleman is a top ferret guy from around here and I think that will be the best place for them. :blink:

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Those Real Ales are much better "Pain Killers" than anything that the doctor can prescribe (if taken in large enough doses) aren't they mate! :lol: :lol: :lol: (And much more enjoyable too :blink: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!)



I take it you have never been given morphine and tramadol then!

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