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53rd league title, woo hooooooo!!

Ozzy Fudd

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i think they should put rangers and celtic in to the english league , ! it is boreing as hell the scottish one u just no its going to be one or the other who win the title



Thats a good idea....start them off in Division 1 because thats about the right level.


Scottish Football is a Joke, C & R are possibly just about Championship standard and the rest probably non league.


Both Rangers and Celtic getting into the European Champions league is depriving a proper Club of competing as they never do any good, simply because they are not good enough.!


I would like to See them both in the Premiership just so some of the smaller clubs could be guarranteed 12 points each season. :blink:

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Thats a good idea....start them off in Division 1 because thats about the right level.


Scottish Football is a Joke, C & R are possibly just about Championship standard and the rest probably non league.


Both Rangers and Celtic getting into the European Champions league is depriving a proper Club of competing as they never do any good, simply because they are not good enough.!


I would like to See them both in the Premiership just so some of the smaller clubs could be guarranteed 12 points each season. :lol:


careful what you wish for, i cant remember the last time rangers were beaten by an english club when they played them, and remember rangers and celtic dont get anywhere near the same money as some premier league corporations clubs :lol:


anyway i think most supporters would be more than happy to see them included in it :blink:

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Rangers & Celtic - I do wonder if the support is really sectarian these days?


I think the problem we have is that all the good Northern Ireland players get poached by English or Scottish Clubs and, as a result, the local football league in Northern Ireland is pretty dire [apologies to supporters of Linfield or Glentoran Football Clubs] and affinity with Scottish & English Clubs is the outcome.


I know next to nothing about football but many people here also support Liverpool or Manchester United and I dont think you can class that as sectarian.


Please give us in NI the benefit of the doubt - we ARE sportsmen and you just have to see the range of posts from us congratulating Scotland after they managed to defeat Ireland at the rugby recently [thus depriving us of the Triple Crown] to realise that.

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i seem to remember it was the ENGLISH clubs who got banned from europe cos of their sectarian and racist thugs :lol: was it not sectarian english thugs who started a riot in dublin at the ireland match :lol: if rangers and celtic had the money that the top english clubs had im sure they would hold their own in the premership, anyway well done to rangers :blink: :lol:

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I think some one made a valid point re revenue - if either of those two were to enter the english leagues they would more than hold their own - both clubs have fantastic support and the extra dosh generated by the premier league would see them grow stronger and be in a position to threaten the top four - which is unlike most of the other teams in the premiership who float along to make the numbers up. I think that is the real reason they haven't joined already - the big english clubs have put a kybosh on the move in the background to secure the status quo.


None of our teams would be any good in the scottish leagues because they would get sod all money compared to what they get now.


Anyway, as someone has already mentioned, the mighty TOON are back in the top league. I look forward to total domination next season(when I saw total domination I mean we might make it past the third round of the FA cup). :blink:

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