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New permission with 2 fox earths.

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I've just been out on one of my permissions doing a bit of bunny bashing as they seem to be breeding at an incredible rate and the farmer is concerned about the numbers. To cut a long story short I fired 18 shots for 17 kills, not bad going by my standards but they were fairly close (All within about 75 yards) and not the slightest bit nervous. When I got back to the farm to let the farmer know how I had done he said that I needed to go and see his cousin who owns a farm over the other side of the valley as he was having a similar problem with rabbits that needed sorting. Off I went and had a chat with his cousin who was very welcoming and said he would like me to "take out whatever vermin I came across" on his land (About 270 acres) He showed me the boundaries in his land rover and while out I spotted not one but two fox earths, both of which had a couple of cubs running about them. He had not been aware of these earths and as he has a few free range hens and ducks he has asked me to make a "special effort" to clear the foxes.

To me this was the perfect end to the perfect day with an extra 270 acres which has some prime fox shooting on it for my .222

What a nice birthday present!!!!!!!!!! :good:??????

Edited by Frenchieboy
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