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what now for the ordinary working folk


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I know your right.... I guess i'm just a coward :lol: my misses the future mrs jasper doe's my books ..and she is as honest as a days long..I would not do anything to upset her :) But!!!!!! if there is any legal way of getting my tax back...I will


I'm not a big company..its just me myself and I :o but I do believe..honesty is the best policy..



I don't want to upset her either :lol: :o


I take my hat off to you, I am the same as you honesty is the best policy. But I don't blame you at all if there is a legal way of getting the tax back, you should go for it, and so should any small or large business, as long as it is right and legal.


Good luck with the business, I know where to come if I need any non-slip safety flooring now :lol:


I do like a good discussion as well, I know some get a little heated during a good discussion but it would be a boring world if we didn't have a difference of opinion. :lol:


Lets hope the new Government will be good for us all :rolleyes:

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On a point of Privatisation, I would like to see the benefit fraud dept privatised. I think this is one area that privatisation would make a huge difference.


At the moment they have a fraud office, they have access to some great kit to aid evidence gathering, however, its under resourced for the size of the problem.


Now if they had properly vetted and trained companies to do the work, paid on results, and fed leads from the fraud hotline it would make a huge difference to the current situation. At the moment there is no real incentive for the staff in this area to go above and beyond, so results are a bit lack lustre, like many areas of the civil service.


Get the right company, the right staff with 'sales like' motivation and drive and they would make a killing. The government could cut the majority of costs in this area, apart from staffing the fraud hotline / legal department for prosecutions (which they already have working on other legal issues within government) and they would see dramatic results. It cant fail. :lol:


Show the dog the rabbit........................................................................

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On a point of Privatisation, I would like to see the benefit fraud dept privatised. I think this is one area that privatisation would make a huge difference.


At the moment they have a fraud office, they have access to some great kit to aid evidence gathering, however, its under resourced for the size of the problem.


Now if they had properly vetted and trained companies to do the work, paid on results, and fed leads from the fraud hotline it would make a huge difference to the current situation. At the moment there is no real incentive for the staff in this area to go above and beyond, so results are a bit lack lustre, like many areas of the civil service.


Get the right company, the right staff with 'sales like' motivation and drive and they would make a killing. The government could cut the majority of costs in this area, apart from staffing the fraud hotline / legal department for prosecutions (which they already have working on other legal issues within government) and they would see dramatic results. It cant fail. :lol:


Show the dog the rabbit........................................................................



I like your way of thinking :lol:

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My only problem with the Conservatives is they are very much for private business, self employed etc. This isn't a problem except the majority of them do all they can to avoid paying tax or at least the full amount of tax for the money they really earn!! How many do you heard saying I'll do that cheaper for cash!! or one for me one for the tax man!! running two diaries for work that is booked etc, and we are all guilty of accepting this practice by hiring them!!




What you describe isn't small businesses, it's the black economy.


This just gets worse as tax rates get higher (as they have been doing)


One ex-soviet eastern european country (I can't remember which one, it might have been Estonia)

introduced a low flat rate tax system. The rate was low enough that it wasn't worth trying to avoid

and things were simplified so there were no big loopholes and the tax take went up massively.




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Two things you’ve missed saying or maybe you're too young to remember (lucky *******) BUT when ever Labour have been outed (no I don’t mean in a Mandelson way but in a democratic way) over the last century they’ve always left the country owing vast amounts of money. When The Iron Lady took over (from Labour) this country was in the s**** and she got us out of that hole. It's always been the same Labour have always lived beyond this countys means.


And the fairest tax of all (which might have put paid to all those scroungers) was the Poll Tax and look what happened to that! You might not have agreed with it but it did mean every body and I mean everybody had to pay something towards the society we all enjoy...can’t get much fairer.


Now it's likely we'll see a rise in VAT...again a fairer tax, the more you spend the more you pay!

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My only problem with the Conservatives is they are very much for private business, self employed etc.

Thankfully at least one political party is on the side of those people who create wealth. Without private business we don't have an economy and money for the public sector to spend.

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