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Papal visit


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Not defending the pope at all, but if he is responsible for the conduct of every one in the RCC then surely Dawkins and Hitchens are by default responsible for the conduct of everyone that claims to be an athiest ?


not the same, the pope is the leader of the church, theres no heirarchy in atheism ???

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Not defending the pope at all, but if he is responsible for the conduct of every one in the RCC then surely Dawkins and Hitchens are by default responsible for the conduct of everyone that claims to be an athiest ?


Henry, I thought Hitchens was more an Antitheist than an Atheist? Regardless, I think your point is flawed on numerous levels.

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The point of the post is that it's a waste of tax payers money that could be better spent on hospitals etc. If the RC's want to see him then EasyJet do cheap flights to Rome or the Death Star or where ever he's from.

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The point of the post is that it's a waste of tax payers money that could be better spent on hospitals etc. If the RC's want to see him then EasyJet do cheap flights to Rome or the Death Star or where ever he's from.


Totally agree Darren ???

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How the chuff this type of thing happens given our current financial situation is beyond me. ??? Go on lads sling taxes up a bit further so we can all give a bit more hard earned sterling, but give the big cheese in the white coat a bloody good holiday. Sweet Jesus (no pun intended).

Our coalition 'fresh start' government should put their 'feet' down and say ' OI BENEDICT, NOOO'. Tis madness.

Edited by whiskymac
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i am not religious but surely if catholics want the pope to come here why don't they make the catholic church pay for his trip/holiday and all the costs included then see how much they want him over here but in the end it will be tax payers that foot the bill grips ma ****

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the church should pay 100% for the visit..I personanaly have no religious beliefs and I wouldnt want my tax money spent on such a visit...


if the old boy wants to come..i have no problem with that..each to their own..but!!! the church should pay for it...


too many wars and confrontations have been had in the name of religion and money and even in this day and age... it still goes on...


I will be doing a special pope rug for £50 if anyone is interested...well !!!!! buisiness is buisiness ???

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I'm not religious or anti-religious, I really don't give a toss whether people believe or don't. What I resent is the fact that we as taxpayers foot the bill for something like this. And thinking about it I would feel the same way even if our economy was soaring, instead of cartwheeling off into the distance. If it's an important religious issue then religion (the church) should find a way of paying for it. No problem at all with that.

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