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wrote car off, motorbike or bus my only way of getting to the shooting


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unfortunately an old woman decided pulling out infront of me on a dual carriageway would be a good idea and it ended in 2 wrote off cars, i cant afford to get another until my insurance pays out which could be a while, i have 2 days shooting planned in the next 6days and the only way i can get there is motorbike or bus, i have taken guns on the bus before without any problem but i really dont like the looks i get from some people...

so i am wondering if it is legal to carry my gun in its slip while on my motorbike, i know not recommended but as it is not a sportsbike i am sat upright and the gun would not be near any moving parts and wouldnt be a nuisance whilst riding (i have carried fishing rods before, no problems)

i just didnt know if the law would stop me and have anything to say if i did it???


any advice?? (other than the 'dont do it', bad idea' its stupid')




hopefully it will only be 1 or 2, 7-8mile trips.


thanks in advance


oh and by the way there is no chance of a lift unfortunatly

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It will probably come down to the opinion of any Police officer that sees/stops you! :good: Some officers interpret having a gun 'covered from public view' as being in a slip, others claim the gun in the slip also has to be covered, as far as i'm aware its a literal covering of the gun that it required. If i were you i'd ring and/or email your FEO and see what they think, and preferably get something in writing from them, although with your time scale it may not be feasible.


Is it a rifle or a shotgun you need to transport? If its a shotgun i'd just break it in two and transport it in a non-gun bag/case. (e.g. a guitar case), and use a roll-up style slip at the site if needed. :welcomeani: A lad at my straw baler regularly comes to the shoot on a quad with one of those 'obvious-its-a-gun' hardcases on the front and i think he comes a good 10 mile to get there.


Whatever you chose to do, take you original FAC/SGC as it will greatly cut down on any hassle whatever happens :welcomeani:



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Legal in a slip but not sure about the highways law with it on a motorcycle.

In view of recent events if its a shotgun why not break it down to fit in a rucksack, less obvious so less alarming to panic merchants. A rifle will be more difficult but with a little thought and disguise may help to ward off any un-wanted and un-warrented attention.

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Surely in any gunslip regardless of if its broken down or not is fine, I'd be more concerned by the choice of clothing and the visibility of things like cartridge belts.


If I was to purchase a gun from my local gunsmith (not that I ever would - the robbing *******) that is situated in the middle of town I'd have no option but to walk through town with it - same situation, I'd say in a gunslip would be fine so long as you have your SGS with you.


.... But then I live in a rural area, I'd think twice about catching a bus in Manchester or London whilst carrying an obvious 'shiney item' what with all the chav magpies about.


Oh and with regards on a motorbike, I used to carry my shotgun slung over my back in a slip on my moped when I was a kid - not sure if it was legal or not but back then the idea never entered my head .... Sad how times have changed.

Edited by Katash
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thanks for the replys

its a semi auto 12g i have so i can break it down and stick it in my hiking/camping backpack...good idea that, never thought of it.

i always carry my license so no problems there and the cartridges are at the farmers, he buys them for me so i dont have to lug them about!!!

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I am in a similar situation, I bought one of the Napier Protector 2 gunslips - see here:




When folded up, it could be any of a variety of things to the uneducated, certainly doesn't shout 'GUN'. Opened out, it is a full length fleece-lined gunslip, I'm well chuffed with it :good::welcomeani: It isn't cheap from Napier, but I have seen them on Fleabay for as little as £35 as new.

(Also, if the police moan, you can tell them it is apparently the gunslip used by the police national team)

Edited by Bloke
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unfortunately an old woman decided pulling out infront of me on a dual carriageway would be a good idea and it ended in 2 wrote off cars, i cant afford to get another until my insurance pays out which could be a while, i have 2 days shooting planned in the next 6days and the only way i can get there is motorbike or bus, i have taken guns on the bus before without any problem but i really dont like the looks i get from some people...

so i am wondering if it is legal to carry my gun in its slip while on my motorbike, i know not recommended but as it is not a sportsbike i am sat upright and the gun would not be near any moving parts and wouldnt be a nuisance whilst riding (i have carried fishing rods before, no problems)

i just didnt know if the law would stop me and have anything to say if i did it???


any advice?? (other than the 'dont do it', bad idea' its stupid')




hopefully it will only be 1 or 2, 7-8mile trips.


thanks in advance


oh and by the way there is no chance of a lift unfortunatly



If she pulled out in front of you and is clearly at fault, get on the phone to the insurance company and get them to provide you with a hire car.

I have had two pick ups hit and managed to get a brand new disco the first time and a new pathfinder the second.


I quite look forward to it, its like free test drives :good:

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unfortunately an old woman decided pulling out infront of me on a dual carriageway would be a good idea and it ended in 2 wrote off cars, i cant afford to get another until my insurance pays out which could be a while, i have 2 days shooting planned in the next 6days and the only way i can get there is motorbike or bus, i have taken guns on the bus before without any problem but i really dont like the looks i get from some people...

so i am wondering if it is legal to carry my gun in its slip while on my motorbike, i know not recommended but as it is not a sportsbike i am sat upright and the gun would not be near any moving parts and wouldnt be a nuisance whilst riding (i have carried fishing rods before, no problems)

i just didnt know if the law would stop me and have anything to say if i did it???


any advice?? (other than the 'dont do it', bad idea' its stupid')




hopefully it will only be 1 or 2, 7-8mile trips.


thanks in advance


oh and by the way there is no chance of a lift unfortunatly




You could break the gun into its component parts and gift wrap them. Who would ever suspect?

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yes she was at fault but due to my age not many insurance companys will provide a car for me if myne gets smashed up.


i am going to go with the idea of breaking it into 2 and puttin it in a hiking/camping rucksack, seems like the best idea, no1 will know that its a gun, and i should have noproblems.


thanks for the sound advice guys


Heladoxa -

You could break the gun into its component parts and gift wrap them. Who would ever suspect?



haha, true, but thers not enough hours in a day for me to do that at both ends of the journey

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yes she was at fault but due to my age not many insurance companys will provide a car for me if myne gets smashed up.


i am going to go with the idea of breaking it into 2 and puttin it in a hiking/camping rucksack, seems like the best idea, no1 will know that its a gun, and i should have noproblems.


thanks for the sound advice guys


Heladoxa -

You could break the gun into its component parts and gift wrap them. Who would ever suspect?



haha, true, but thers not enough hours in a day for me to do that at both ends of the journey



Does not matter how old you are, if you were not at fault, they should provide you with a replacement car or cover any costs incurred while you do not have a car

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Does not matter how old you are, if you were not at fault, they should provide you with a replacement car or cover any costs incurred while you do not have a car



i didnt know this, thankyou for pointing it out, they have said that they will cover all costs..

hopefully it will be sorted soon!!

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