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Pedantic old me


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I've just had some airhead slob trying to correct my grammar. :D


God that ****** me off. I don't care what grammar the uneducated use, as long as they don't try and correct me on mine :good:


I booked the Panzerkampfwagen in for a service and I was asked for the registration number.


"Yes, it's ---- HLD" (aitch el dee)

"---- ALD" she says.

"No, HLD" says I (aitch el dee)

"ALD" she says

"No - HLD" I said, a lot louder (aitch el dee)

"Oh - you mean haitch el dee" she twitters, laughing at my stupidity.

"No - I mean aitch el dee"


God give me strength. :lol:


Should have said Hotel Lima Delta.


Only then she'd have said "ay?"


Or is that "hay?" :blink:

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she couldnt understand the reg number you were saying, so what? happens all the time to me, m+n sound the same on the phone, as do c+v+p, etc, so i always use the phoenetic alphabet.


dont understand how she got H and A mixed up though, you talking through a mouthful of biscuits?? :blink:



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I've just had some airhead slob trying to correct my grammar. :D


God that ****** me off. I don't care what grammar the uneducated use, as long as they don't try and correct me on mine :good:


I booked the Panzerkampfwagen in for a service and I was asked for the registration number.


"Yes, it's ---- HLD" (aitch el dee)

"---- ALD" she says.

"No, HLD" says I (aitch el dee)

"ALD" she says

"No - HLD" I said, a lot louder (aitch el dee)

"Oh - you mean haitch el dee" she twitters, laughing at my stupidity.

"No - I mean aitch el dee"


God give me strength. :lol:


Should have said Hotel Lima Delta.



Bloody gets me going too, but the PC brigade seem to think it's ok to coc£ up the language as well as the country it's not corrected in school at home etc so what chance have we? I concidered grumpy and rude when I correct others.


Wot evr dude cul8r m8


Only then she'd have said "ay?"


Or is that "hay?" :blink:

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she couldnt understand the reg number you were saying, so what? happens all the time to me, m+n sound the same on the phone, as do c+v+p, etc, so i always use the phoenetic alphabet.


dont understand how she got H and A mixed up though, you talking through a mouthful of biscuits?? :blink:





It's not a question of what anything sounds like on the phone.


What gets up my nose is that these domebrains think I'm the one who needs educating in how to speak English.

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It's not a question of what anything sounds like on the phone.


What gets up my nose is that these domebrains think I'm the one who needs educating in how to speak English.



so let me get this right she couldn't understand because you were talking all northern, I can sympathise with that, poor girl

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so let me get this right she couldn't understand because you were talking all northern, I can sympathise with that, poor girl



im sure Richard aint no northerner, is one of them southern fairys :blink:

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I agree with Ozzy and just use the phonetic alphabet.I used to be in the motor trade years back and when a punter rang up for a number plate it was easier to say 'alpha bravo charlie' etc cos it lessens the risk of a mistake happening.Not 100% guaranteed though cos some people are just too thick for words.

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