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rape cut but no birds

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Without a doudt there is some strange things going on in the pigeon world in terms of feeding times and what area they are in etc.


Last week loads of birds this week I think gone back to feeding young and breeding has caused a lack of birds to show on the fields.


I have never seen farmer in my area so slow to started cutting it looks fit ,went to northampton shooting ground loads of cutting and birds around pitsford village.


Regards OTH

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I've known pigeons to take a week to start hitting rape stubbles hard, though i would normally expect to see plenty after 2-3 days.


The rape stubble up here wouldnt be around a week later as it will be ploughed in after 3 or 4 days.


Spoke to one of the farmers today and they have just started cutting but it was not dry enough so he said as soon as we get 2 days in a row of sunshine they will start properly !


could be a long wait.

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i had 3 fields of rape cut on saturday,the pigons were going in well on it. so i set up and the birds started coming in well shot the first 8 and all slowed down nothing for 1 hour,so then went home. the combine was down the bottom end of the field,so kept the birds up my end,

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