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do i need to inform my FEO if i fit a larger gun cabint

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Hi Guy's could any one put me right, do i need to inform my firearms officer if i change my current 4 gun cabinet to a 9 gun cabinten and if so do they need to come out and inspect it if it is the same makes as the one i have but just bigger.


Thanks Nigel


feo will want to see it to check the instalation of it and to update there records

i am moving my 2 cabinates in the house to another room and he needs to check them as well

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I did, but primary because i had a two gun cabinet, changed to a 5 gun and bought a 3rd gun, so with the notification of the 3rd gun purchase wrote a covering letter explaining that.


In your case i'd just ring the Firearms dept and ask/let them know. They are just normal people on the other end of that phone so don't waste time on here, for the sake of a simple phone call ask them!! :unsure:

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The interesting thing is it is not strictly required by law, but they like to check it and update their records accordingly


Thats ok then i will inform them when the deed is done then i will be advertise my old one on here.


Thanks guys for all the advice.


Regards Nigel

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never informed mine and changed cabinet 3 times and moved it round the house pretty much every time he has been it is in a different location and no problems. Most FEO's would have trouble remembering going to your house let alone what your cabinet looked like

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No, security of guns is your problem and unless he's checked it recently he'll never remember what you had before anyway.

I've moved house and changed for bigger cabinets, the only time a feo has laid hands on my cabinet to check it was on the initial application for sgc, many years ago when i was a teenager :unsure:

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