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more black rabbit


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Hi folks



Out yesterday night with rimmy and added another black bunny to the collection of death on phone.

Thats 3x black ones in 4 months result






Nice shooting swiss, out on Saturday on some new permission shot these 4 plus quite a few other rabbits takes my tally of black rabbits from this area to 10 so far this year.




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good shooting buddy :good::hmm:

on one of my shoots there are a few black ones but they seem to be a bit smarter and always stay away form me, i can only use the rimmie in that field else i'd unleash the 223 on them from afar :hmm:

Edited by snowz
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  • 3 weeks later...

I concur. I shot one the other night, my first as I always believed it to be bad ju-ju, then shortly after got in the motor to drive round to another part of estate, turned a corner on the track only to run smack bang into a pile of fresh dirt moved by the farmer. Smashed the plastic skirt of the front of the grandad wagon, luckily for me in the cold light of day it was repairable, just.

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I concur. I shot one the other night, my first as I always believed it to be bad ju-ju, then shortly after got in the motor to drive round to another part of estate, turned a corner on the track only to run smack bang into a pile of fresh dirt moved by the farmer. Smashed the plastic skirt of the front of the grandad wagon, luckily for me in the cold light of day it was repairable, just.



Bad luck mate shot these 2 last week, thats about 15 this year from the same area.




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