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A .22lr round is more than capable of killing a man, but i don't know of any army that use them for that purpose.


Let's face it most people on here shoot about 30/50 pigeons in a session so probably use around 100 cartridges? A saving of about £2 if using clay loads.

I personally think your quarry is worth more than that.

there's no argument in my eyes or as it seems other peoples eyes,clay cartridfes for clays,end of story.
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If I was faced with the same set of circumstances, I'd have ignored the guy and let him approach me if he wants to say something. At which point he would be politely told that I was shooting within the law. If he started getting aggravated, I'd tell him that he was trespassing on private property. Providing you're not shooting too close and towards the road (ie 50 yards I think it is) you're not doing anything wrong. (aside from your choice of cartridge, clearly!)

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Where that picture of your universal cartridge MC? :hmm:


I've heard that the British army are intrested in it too.



What this one you mean,




The British Army can't have it as I only have one and I am saving it for a special occasion.



24 grams of 11's are gonna make a mess of anything ain't they? :hmm::lol: :lol: :lol:

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If I was faced with the same set of circumstances, I'd have ignored the guy and let him approach me if he wants to say something. At which point he would be politely told that I was shooting within the law. If he started getting aggravated, I'd tell him that he was trespassing on private property. Providing you're not shooting too close and towards the road (ie 50 yards I think it is) you're not doing anything wrong. (aside from your choice of cartridge, clearly!)

It's 50 feet from the centre of a highway, and then only an issue if you are causing a nuisance to users of that highway.

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I shoot corvids and pigeons with Kent velocities in 28gm,7.5's, through quarter choke on a regular basis.Pricked birds are few and far between.I know of a bloke who had his best driven Pheasant day using Gamebore Blue Diamond 28gms in 7.5.

I was picking up;he didn't miss much,nor did I have to knock them on the head.

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I shoot corvids and pigeons with Kent velocities in 28gm,7.5's, through quarter choke on a regular basis.Pricked birds are few and far between.I know of a bloke who had his best driven Pheasant day using Gamebore Blue Diamond 28gms in 7.5.

I was picking up;he didn't miss much,nor did I have to knock them on the head.


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Oh yes, very scientific, you were beating and there was a bloke who was shooting and who was using 7.5's on a game day (you think).....


If you read the bit above, yes, you can kill birds with 7.5's, or 8's or indeed even 9's.


However something like a 6 or a 6.5 would do a better job of it and would therefore be more respectful to the quarry. Could you at least agree to that?


Strangely, cartridge manufacturers appear to agree with me; at random I have looked at the box of some Eley Hawk 28g no. 7.5 in Plaswad and there's a picture of a "clay" on the front of it (surprisingly not a Hawk), and yet on the front of my Eley Grand Prix on 30g No. 6 there's a pheasant (surprisingly not a racing car).

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You seem to have taken offence at some posts which differ in opinion to that of yours Mungler!

I never claimed there was anything scientific regarding my post;I ,unlike you apparently,have nothing to prove.I choose 7.5's because I find they work for me,but I 'll quite happily use 6's;these are superb for bolting bunnies incidentally.

I 'don't think' the game shot was using 7.5's,I know he was.Whether you choose to believe me or not,is entirely up to you,I'm just telling it like it is.

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