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Cocker Spaniel - Absolute thief


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We have a cocker spaniel that is very fat and a complete thief when it come to food.


We have taken food security measures already - the bin is on lock down, we have put kiddy locks on the fridge and the freezer to stop her getting in and when we finish our food the table is cleared immediately. We even split the kitchen with another kiddy gate to stop her getting access to the work tops.


The list of her thieving is long. Her best effort until now were the remains of a chicken madras - the next day we expected the worst and took her out for a long walk and left the kitchen door open all day, but no, nothing she was not effected at all. I think she has the constitution of an ox.


Today she got up on the work top and stole a whole Almond desert - almond base, nougat cream, roasted peanuts and covered in milk chocolate (read off the box). About 1500 calories all told. She is acting a bit strange - like a 4 year old that's eaten a kilo of Harribo.


The questions are:


1. should I take her to the vets; what for, I don't know - maybe a flush through or a doggy gastric band

2. are all spaniels such complete ******* food thieves?


We will implement more food security measures, but she is very sneaky and sly. She will wait for the phone to go, the door bell to ring or a distraction before making her move. Indeed, until we got another gate to fence the bin off we found that she had actually perfected getting the lid up on the bin, stealing out of it and then leaving it as she found it i.e. upright and with the lid on.



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We have a cocker spaniel that is very fat and a complete thief when it come to food.


We have taken food security measures already - the bin is on lock down, we have put kiddy locks on the fridge and the freezer to stop her getting in and when we finish our food the table is cleared immediately. We even split the kitchen with another kiddy gate to stop her getting access to the work tops.


The list of her thieving is long. Her best effort until now were the remains of a chicken madras - the next day we expected the worst and took her out for a long walk and left the kitchen door open all day, but no, nothing she was not effected at all. I think she has the constitution of an ox.


Today she got up on the work top and stole a whole Almond desert - almond base, nougat cream, roasted peanuts and covered in milk chocolate (read off the box). About 1500 calories all told. She is acting a bit strange - like a 4 year old that's eaten a kilo of Harribo.


The questions are:


1. should I take her to the vets; what for, I don't know - maybe a flush through or a doggy gastric band

2. are all spaniels such complete ******* food thieves?


We will implement more food security measures, but she is very sneaky and sly. She will wait for the phone to go, the door bell to ring or a distraction before making her move. Indeed, until we got another gate to fence the bin off we found that she had actually perfected getting the lid up on the bin, stealing out of it and then leaving it as she found it i.e. upright and with the lid on.






Is she pregnant ????? Thats what my missus does (dont tell her i said that) ??????

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My lab was like that.. head in cup of tea/pint on the floor, counter surfing to steal anything close to the edge, clawing at the fridge etc..


Then she just stopped, I really have no idea why but now I can leave a loaf of cheese on toast (light afternoon snack) on the sofa while I run out to get more Lee&perins and she won't even get up to look at it!


How old is she, maybe she might grow out of it?

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She's been done.


If she had pups she would probably eat them anyway.




With regards to your wife, to keep her out of the bins I would suggest a tap on the nose and a stern "dirty girl, back in your basket"



She would like that ......Ah thank you ??????

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Some dogs are shocking food thiefs some are not, some grow out of it some don't. Not very helpfull i know but the one thing i will always remember about one great dog i once owned was how she stole an entire chicken off the side from under our very noses while everyone was puzzled as to what happen to our meal when i saw a tail hung low sneeking behind the sofa in the next room, not so funny at the time but i swear that dog used to see it as sport she wasn't even that hungry

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I used to have a springer like yours a total food thief, her best was to devour a whole chocolate cake in minutes left on the worktop whilst nipping down the garden, i now have a cocker who isn't interested in food in the slightest apart from he is partial to roast dinners!!!

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nope sorry i cant say we have a problem.


dog food for dog and human food for human. my 2 year old will not touch any food unless i give it to him out my hand or his food bowl. you can offer him your sandwich while in the hid and he will turn his nose up at it. i put it on the floor and he will remember where it is and then at the end of the days shooting he will go eat it.



saying that the little ****** did steal a roast tatty off my plate when he was younger. he was about 6mths old and i was having a lazy lunch sat on sofa. the little ****** was quicker than me, stole the spud and yammed it before i could do anything about it. so i just laughed. that was the 1st and only time.


i have a 17 week old cocker and she is showing signs of pigisom so i think i will need to watch her.

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My cocker (now sadly deceased) regarded all food as a challenge to be scoffed ASAP no matter what the quantity.


One day the neighbours had a barbie, and she escaped from the garden and apparently went from guest to guest doing her best sit up an beg act (which always worked).


She could do all the tricks such as balancing a biscuit on her nose, and when a friend asked "How long did it take for her to learn that" my answer was "About a half a ton of biscuits...".


The wife shrieked in the kitchen one day, and when I went to investigate the reason was that she had made a ham sarny and left it on the top of the worktop. The little sod (dog) had leapt up and snaffled it whilst the wife's back was turned.


On another occasion the wife had made a load of profiteroles and placed them on a plate on the table. She came back and there were three missing. She blamed me until I pointed out that innocent spaniel had a large dollop of chocolate sauce on her nose.


The strange thing was that whilst on duty in a pigeon hide she refused all food as it disturbed her concentration on what was going on.


Cockers - you have to love the little ****.



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My lab is like that. No worktop, or even the breadbin is a challenge to him! His most recent escapade involved him stealing a SEALED packet of tortilla wraps from inside the bread bin which was at the back of the worktop. He managed to rip open the packet and eat all the wraps whilst not eating the packet itself! All credit to him for thinking of my wallet and the vet bills which would have ensued if he ate the packet as well!

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