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Gunshops in London

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Afternoon chaps,


I’m hoping someone can help. I’m going down to Laaaarrdaaan in October and I’m looking for gun shops located centrally. Specifically I’m looking for one that stocks 9mm pistol ammo (not the garden gun / shotgun stuff). I’ve got a gallery rifle chambered in 9x19mm but I’m having real problems locating ammo (damn pistol ban! :lol: ). I thought I’d found somewhere locally, unfortunately when I test fired it last night it was about as reliable as a musket in a downpour. :lol: I’ve no idea how its been stored, or how old it is, but I ended up having to rod 2 bullets from my barrel after only the primer went off and had a load of hang ups, which are not pleasant. :hmm:


I know Henry Krank near Leeds does ‘fresh’ Privvi 9mm which is probably the closest to me but I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone so to speak. I’m guessing Armalon on Harrowby Street would be my best bet? :lol:


Ammo carriage charges are insane, otherwise I’d just get stuff delivered to a local RFD. :lol:


Any help appreciated :lol:



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Make a trip out from london to Bisley and get it from the range office, failing that you could try Roding Armoury or Mays of London.


Failing that try a few pubs in the East end



Cheers! I'm going with the missus though so i doubt i'd get anywhere as fun as Bisley :hmm:


Metropolitan Police. They have loads of the stuff, and they're keen to unload it.


If that pun was intentional, thats some good work! :lol:



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Mc is on the money,the range office or fultons (both at bisley) or uve allwood at bracknell. But if ure by cranks ide just get it there,privi stuff is ok,all the 9mm lever release guys seem to be shootin this american eagle stuff,not as good as people think apparently. the pmc stuff used to be good in my p9s but those days is gone!

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Armalon, they made the carbines that use it. About ten minutes walk from Baker Street.Down the bottom of Crawford Street. in Harrowby street. Phone before you go or they won't let you in. Hold up your FAC at the door. Expect London prices though, Bisley is cheaper but their prices have gone up recently.


Bisley Camp can be reached by train from Waterloo to Brookwood Station then come left out of the station walk to the traffic lights by the railway bridge and turn right. Follow the signs. Its not that bad a walk about a mile. Again phone range office and /or Fultons before you go to check prices and availability plus opening times. Closed on a monday.


If you ask directions or use google maps always ask for Bisley Camp because the village of Bisley is near by but you don't want to go there. If you just ask for Bisley they will send you there.

Edited by Vince Green
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