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anyone out today

the hitman

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out today on a new farm ,i was able to do a recce yesterday and spotted a good place. arrived today at 9.30 to find a scarecrow had appeared just where i wanted the deeks ,so i pulled it in and set up with a small wood behind me.

I shot 3 then bang the farmer had put a gas gun in the wood about 20ft behind my hide.I went back to the car to clean myself then checked another field on the same farm and ended the day with 30.

p.s my ears are still ringing.

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If the Farmer had put a scarecrow and a field banger in that area, it must be a spot where he has seen a lot of pigeons.

I would return there.


Its worth asking the Farmer if you can turn the banger off, they rarely object. :thumbs:


I was game shooting today on a woodland Shoot.

There were acorns everywhere and the pigeons were all over them.

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