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Gordon R

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I have no wish to start a long running thread where various people will put the boot in various breeds. I ask that those who were quick to condemn certain breeds, just read this and take a step back.


The question is - Do you have the restraint to just read it, without resorting to a diatribe?




Please - just read it and let it go.

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its a shame for the child and their family but people need to realise any dog can bite and regardless of breed or temperament dogs are not babysitters.

i don't have children but i try to ensure my dogs are well socialised (under supervision of course) but you can never be too careful.

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Love my labs dearly (all 3 of them) but I will never leave them alone with my son (18 month old) the thing that does worry me is the times when you are in the garden etc and your child walks around the corner with the dogs following, I would say it's fair that most people (including myself) do this on a sunny day in the garden, I don't fully trust my dogs or son's behaviour but it is difficult to watch the every single second of the day (and a second is all it takes)

Edited by gixer1
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I trust my dog with the kids. My last dog nipped my son once but he was trying to pull him off the bed by his ears at the time. Dog got told off as did my son. It never happened again. I think it's just as important to train the children as the dogs. We have a collie on the farm and he can get a bit snappy sometimes but he is a tool for a job and you have to respect that.



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All dogs have it in them to a certain degree. My missus used to be a vet nurse and her vets favourite saying was "If its black and tan it can" meaning Black and Tan dogs were much more likely to bite than others. This was my wifes experience and proved accurate. However, we have a daft jack russell that thinks she is a cat, soft as **** but I still dont trust her around my little lad. He rags her about and she never bothers but I would never leave them alone.

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