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Gun Oil

Paul T

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Ok Chaps, I bought a cleaning kit for my 12 gauge a couple of months back because it was on a good offer and I needed to replace a few bits. This kit had a small bottle of clear gun oil in that really brought the blueing out on my barrels and it had a real engineering sort of smell. You know, it smelled like a gun and not a box of dirty spanners! In fact, I loved the smell so much I even considered asking Mrs T to dab a bit behind her ears before we retired for the evening :lol: . Then disaster - I ran out of oil and had to go back to Napier. Trouble is my barrels just don't have that lovely lustre they had with the sample bottle, even though I was satisfied with Napier previously. I don't blather the gun in oil, but from a quick wipe over with this other oil it was obvious it had a very light coating and looked superb , in spite of of it being quite a thin consistency. Anybody got any ideas what it might have been or any other recommendations for gun oil? If it'll double as a perfume for the wife I could maybe just buy her a big bottle for christmas! :lol: :lol:.


Cheers Lads :mad:

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Cheers Lads :lol: .

I know it must be a bigger manufacturer supplying the oil and my next guess would have been Bisley. I like the sound of the Ballistol though, especially as I can apparantly use it on animals coats - might bring the dog up a lovely finish :lol: but it'll definitely come in for something and it's cheap enough so I might give both these a go first.

Thanks again

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just a quicky, when i clean my gun i clean the barrels then puts spots of Parker Hale gun oil on the pivot points of the barrels under the forend, the safety, the ejectors, the lever that opens the action then wipe over all the metal work and outside of the barrels with oil. Is this ok?


NO - you'll wreck it!





















Yes it's fine really! :good:


I use grease on choke threads and hinge points on the action - lasts better. Wipe over with a very light coat of oil is all it needs. I used to baste the blooming thing and it would be slimy next time out.


Store barrels down especially if you are a 'baster' - the oil can run into the woodwork and damage it over time.

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