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I have just got another eolding 410 this time a SBS so want to look at reloading old 303 brass for the job can anuone confirm whar I need


Annealled and fire formed brass (whats best to put in it to fire form it?)

nail and old socket to deprime the cases and old socket

block of metal to reprimme on

powder and shoot scoops

dowel to tap it all down

Wad cutter what size, will a cut down case with a sharp lip work.

Primmers what ones?

powder whats best?

pritstck/sealant to fix the over shot card on



Has anyone got a good recipe for 2 1/2 shells


What shot size works best for rebbits?

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Blowing out 303 cases is a right ball ache (been there) you have to anneal the cases first or they do not blow out properly and then put them into a lathe to skim the rim's down , For £5-95 for 25 from peter lawman it is not worth the hassle and as for resizing i made my own resizer die but you should not need to do them untill after 4/5 reloads .

read the previous posts on the forum about reloading all brass cases , For a wadcutter buy a .45 cal wadpunch or a 7/16 will do at a pinch and use cork floor tiles over a 1/16th" hard card overpowder wad, Powder vectan is the cheapest and to seal the overshot card in place use PVA woodglue,


Andy H

Edited by Andy H
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I don't think I've ever spent such a long time following links! Some of the info is really interesting and I recon I'm going to have to give this a go.


Now, who can I chat up for a couple of .444 Marlin cases..... Ah yes, I can think of someone :good:

Surely they'll be a bit too short for a decent load.

Edited by Floating Chamber
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I have a FAC for my rifles do I need a variation then just to buy primers?


I don't know but this has been brought up several times before and the outcome was that you can't buy pistol primers with a shotgun certificate and the police wont grant you any way of doing so on a SGC.


Makes you wonder why they make these brass cases with primers that we can't easily buy :good:

Edited by sitsinhedges
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I like the look of those Magtech shells but how do I get permission to buy and hold pistol primers?

Its one of those stupid things thats NOT law and its NOT illegal for you to buy them and its NOT illegal for you to own them.


Its just that the stupid dealers won't sell them to you because the police initiated a voluntary code of practice some years back and its become so established now that people have started to believe it is the law. So I guess in some ways you can say it is.


As far as I am aware there is nothing to stop a mate giving you some. Or you should be able to buy them by producing your SGC to the dealer and showing him one of the cartridges. Even so I wouldn't be suprised if the dealer says no. They are too frightened to break wind these days.


I have heard of people being told they have to keep their primers in their cabinet (the don't) and I have heard it suggested that you should only be allowed to buy as many primers as you have rounds on your certificate (again wrong).


I am sure it won't be long before when you go to buy primers the dealer will want to enter it on your certificate. But its all flim flam. Primers are not a controlled substance. They are in much the same catagory as fireworks.

Edited by Vince Green
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.444 Marlin cases are about 2 1/4" long, so you are right they wouldn't be much good for big loads. For small loads they'd work though.


I think for the price the Magtech cases have to be the best option. It shouldn't be hard to pick up pistol primers from the right RFD.


EDIT... After doing a bit of homework Midway sell Magtech brass for £27/25 and it's under 2.5" long (2.3 something). You can get Remington .444 Marlin brass for £17/20 and it's what, 1/8" shorter? I'll go with the .444 brass!

Edited by njc110381
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.444 Marlin cases are about 2 1/4" long, so you are right they wouldn't be much good for big loads. For small loads they'd work though.


I think for the price the Magtech cases have to be the best option. It shouldn't be hard to pick up pistol primers from the right RFD.


EDIT... After doing a bit of homework Midway sell Magtech brass for £27/25 and it's under 2.5" long (2.3 something). You can get Remington .444 Marlin brass for £17/20 and it's what, 1/8" shorter? I'll go with the .444 brass!

:good: Neil look back at my link to peter lawman, magtec £5.95 :good:

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Spoke to Peter Lawman today and he will nit sell pistol primers to anyone unless you have a FAC will full bore or pistol ammo on it.


So unless anyone knows anywhere I can buy them from it will be End Ex for this good idea.

Sadly, I'm not suprised but its not right. End-ex, blimey I haven't heard that for years.

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