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Shooting from vehicle

sixhills 69

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There was a beanbag for sale on here. Try searching for a 'colostomy bag' (Seriously) and it'll take you to the relevant thread.


I'd just use the wing mirror. Be patient, when you get a pair of eyes and let the car stop in a suitable position.


Alternatively, get out and shoot off the bonnet.

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I find That my wing mirror dosn't give the right fit, im only a short **** so may need to sit on a cushion but its holding the gun over the door its rather to low so i could use the window to bring me up that inch or two i have searched the colostomy bag and got no return i have also tried ebay and nothig i use my quad bike but as the weather is getting worse i thought i would wimp t and try the car.


Any ideas

Sixhills 69

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Bazookajoes bag does look like the gogs danglies.

McF and I won one in the raffle at the charity shoot.

Despite his promises to fill the bag with dry sand, the bag didn't make it onto this years trip to Scotland, so we were unable to sample the delights.

Therefore we made do with the trusty piece of pipe lagging slid onto the edge of the car window, height is of course adjustable, but it works best if one drives, and the other person shoots out of the back windows of the vehicle. I don't know how well the pipe lagging works when shooting alone.



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This thread has reminded me of a true tale that McF tells.

It goes back decades, to when he worked down the pit, and shot with some fellow pit men.

I'll attempt to tell the tale written in dialect, as its best told that way. The shooter was not McF.


4 men in a car lamping for rabbits. One driving, one lamping, two shooting, one each side.


A rabbit is spotted, the car stops; BANG!


Shooter = Ast geet it, ast geet it!


Driver = I, thatst geet it all reet; thast geet me fookin wing mirror off!


Maybe there's a lesson here.



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I have shot from all sorts of cars, a couple of sandbags makes it easy


That looks like what i am ooking for could you tell me were you got them from


Thanks Sixhills 69


Both bags came from e-bay, I just stack them up to get the height I need for that particular rifle.

One is just a front bench rest bag, the other is of the type you cane drape over a fence, both a filled

with washed cocral sand. (it was free)


Neil. :blush:

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