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Cracking start to the doe season

henry d

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Managed to crawl out of bed at silly O`clock and get out before the moon had even set never mind the sun rise. The idea was to get up to a high seat before the deer get back to the woods........

I had just got 1/2 mile from the car and 200 yds from the seat when a roe started off barking then another in the field clicking it`s hooves and barking then another :yes:

Anyway I was there and I got set up and watched it dawn over the distant hills, first the change of the outline from leaden grey to a light peach the darkening to orange and then red ............. Marvellous ! As the dark field turned slowly from monochrome to colour I spotted a roe about 300 yds away and moving slowly towards the wood and leave the field 120yds to my left, then I saw another about 50yds behind, what I assumed to be "her".

At about 250yds she started to walk quite fast to the exit from the field and I didn`t think she was going to stop, but thankfully she did and she dropped to the shot.

I quickly cycled another round into the chamber and wait for the youngster to stop and then another bang breaks the stillness and this one filled with adrenalin from the first shot runs 50 yds before dropping.

Both are in good condition especially the old doe, and she was old, her teeth nearly flat with the gumline and I have the first of the caul fat for the freezer now along with the kidneys for supper at work tonight :lol:



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